Official GT v Duke Game Thread

ee8384 I don't ööööing care. We had 4 tailgates since the beginning of the season. You made it to one, thank you for showing up. But every other time you made an excuse. You said the tailgate was too far on w-21 and that you didn't wanna walk that far. Assuming that's the reason for low attendance I decided to move it to the bridge. Still we had more Duke fans participating in our tailgate than our own people. I still don't ööööing care, because I have fun with the few that wanna tailgate with us. Coming to a tailgate at noon when it's been going on for 3 hours and the kickoff is half an hour does not qualify as "I tried to make it to the tailgate." And still, like I said, I don't ööööing care. Don't come to any tailgates, we're not gonna grow an inch taller because you showed up. I got Jwilly, Buzzczar and Perfectoption with me every single time, and I'm getting cyp back for the next game. So please do yourself a favor, and enjoy yourself at your tailgate and refrain from making comments about ours.

I will fight you.
Can honestly say this is the most bend without breaking D I've seen all season.
Time of Possession is 0:00. It's a miracle that we're still tied with that stat.
Awesome that we get to go 2-0 against these guys in the same year. This home and home, back-to-back scheduling is great. Correct me if I'm wrong but we'll get them again in Durham twice in 2022, right?