uga is a racist institution


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Mar 28, 2011

They tried to sweep it under the rug. How much more evidence do people need before realizing what uga is? It's an institution breeding racists and klan members. If I were a 5 star fb player I would definitely think twice about a uga offer and choose to not go there, even if I dont need an education and just want to go to an easy fb factory. Tweet this at their entire offer list so the kids can see what kind of a ööööed place they're going to be dealing with.
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This is small potatoes compared to the game in Jacksonville vs UF when Quincy was struggling and the faithful were in full blown klan mode.
This, the above, their fb grad rates, and simply walking around the campus on game day and looking at the stickers on the pick-ups, should convince the parents of the recruits to seek opportunity elsewhere, but sadly they don't.
I think it's a more systemic problem than just UGA. For starters, recent research has shown our brains aren't fully grown up until about age 30. But we send kids to college with 12 years of that development time left. Mix spoiled rich kids with mail-in-your-performance academic rigor and fraternal oaths, and you get this crap on the video. I've always been proud that Tech wasn't just hard to get into - it's hard to get out of with a degree, and that trains up a unique group of people who get the value of hard work and are united by that common bond that transcends any fraternity bond.
Tiny shorts should be reserved for women with nice legs, not a bunch of dudes in plaid shirts. Ban frats.

They tried to sweep it under the rug. How much more evidence do people need before realizing what uga is? It's an institution breeding racists and klan members. If I were a 5 star fb player I would definitely think twice about a uga offer and choose to not go there, even if I dont need an education and just want to go to an easy fb factory. Tweet this at their entire offer list so the kids can see what kind of a ööööed place they're going to be dealing with.

If I call their football office will they fax me a list of kids they have offered so I can tweet them?

I ain’t paying to join some bogus recruiting service to try and find out the names.
What else should they do? The chapter has been suspended and the four members expelled from the fraternity.

How about mandate that everyone in the greek system take diversity training and require each fraternity & sorority to meet racial quotas for a start.

The national chapter issued an apology. .

Just saying "Ooops, I"m sorry we got caught" isn't near enough.

This could happen on any campus in America.

But it didn't, it happened at a campus that has had recent episodes of racism.
UGA black QB’s: Quincy, Shockey, and Fields. That’s 3 part time QB’s in 20 years, 2 of 3 were treated pretty badly.

Meanwhile, we’ve had Godsey and Taylor Bennett over the same time frame.

UGA has a racism problem, glad some light is finally being shown to expose it.
Then again it could just be about traditional UGA erotic flagellation ...
I hate UGA like any other red-blooded GT alum but to be completely fair, this was not dissimilar to experiences I witnessed inside random GT frats in my early 90s days. Maybe they've changed since then so I gave proper time context.

Weren't you a little old? (Joke, son.)

Things have changed. What you describe was a full generation ago to most of the world outside Athens.

UGa is a bastion of crazy progressive academia and crazy racist entitled frat boy students. Both.

If a football factory wants to trot out our calculus book, we can trot out the reality of the students the recruits would play for.