

Varsity Lurker
Dec 20, 2017
Long time lurker, first time poster. Bring the hate.

Moving away from triple option? Great.
Hiring a young, energetic coach? Great.
Being favored by 27 and losing to Citadel? Jeezus.

The upside? Tech is being talked about again. The downside? For all the wrong reasons. I was ar Hudson's. Someone brought up we lost to Citadel. A dwag asked if Citadel was favored. A dwag at another table said GT by 27 and we are the easiest game on their schedule.

Hard to argue.
Pretty good look. Not sure why no one else has mentioned this at all today.
Pretty good look. Not sure why no one else has mentioned this at all today.
We needed this win. It isn't about dwags having fun with the loss...it is about recruits not buying what Collins is selling and he has sold a lot this off season. It is a really BAD loss and there is no spinning it.
We needed this win. It isn't about dwags having fun with the loss...it is about recruits not buying what Collins is selling and he has sold a lot this off season. It is a really BAD loss and there is no spinning it.

Actually I think we needed this loss. It better light the biggest frigggin Fire.
Sunday usually brings perspective, and this week is no exception.

I’m thinking about this loss, and how it’s not the big shocker than we and the media are making it out to be.

We just aren’t good enough for this to register as our worst loss ever. If I had read today that Louisville or Ole Miss or Purdue had lost to Citadel, it wouldn’t even compel me to click the link to find out how. Of course those teams lost. They suck.

We suck. More specifically, our OL and QB suck. Everywhere else is ok, actually. I know people are banging on the D, but if the offense just holds the ball for five more minutes, Citadel probably finishes with 21 points. I can live with that.

So I’m not as concerned today. I know what we are, and shame on me for thinking the OL and QB would be better than that. Christ. It still blows my mind how CPJ could recruit this many QBs that can’t throw a football.
I cannot, at this point, name an easier game on UGA's schedule.
No more noon / 1230 games. The players need more time to work off that past night hangover apparently.

Also were you at the NMGT Hudson in Sandy springs?