Quinney moving on from football

Meh you have all your life for a job. No entry-level job is gonna be that extraordinary
I think you are confusing entry jobs offered to GT students with entry jobs offered to dwag "students".

There could be a fairly straightforward explanation for such confusion.
Some differences...

1. It is not the same as someone who never played college ball. Quinney has played. So he had the experience to look back on and the fellowship to tap into.
2. There is no guarantee Quinney would have seen the field this year. That is tough when you have been the starter.
3. Playing OL is like running into a concrete wall for a living. You have your long-term health to consider.
4. Getting a job is important for both the long and short term. You go from college poor to entry level doing okay, and you go from a relatively short career to a full career reaching your full career potential, which helps with life prestige and retirement. We sell ourselves as a 40 year decision, so we should not second guess someone who starts his 40 years.
5. We are not Zach Quinney, and only he can evaluate his situation.
Eff this guy. Such a quitter to use his education to get a job after college. Don’t want him on the team being an example of a student-athlete for the young studs to get the wrong idea as to why they came to GT.
Tough call....only time will tell. I had a chance to play college baseball and didn’t and still 45 years later kind of wish I had taken advantage of the opportunity. There is no going back.

According to GTRules the no going back part is an assumption, so why don't you go back?