Is CGC trying to look like Sloth

Oh good. We haven't had a thread discussing a man's hairstyle or clothing choices in a while. We definitely needed one.
Not sure we “need” any of the discussions here. I’ve seen a lot of discussion about how coach trying to look or be cool hasn’t led to results on the field. I personally don’t think switching from middle aged flat bill wearer to bad hairstyle old man is the right recruiting move, but I could be wrong. Besides, the reference was somewhat humorous. Maybe I should have insulted someone’s mom instead….seems to always go over well here.
Not sure we “need” any of the discussions here. I’ve seen a lot of discussion about how coach trying to look or be cool hasn’t led to results on the field. I personally don’t think switching from middle aged flat bill wearer to bad hairstyle old man is the right recruiting move, but I could be wrong. Besides, the reference was somewhat humorous. Maybe I should have insulted someone’s mom instead….seems to always go over well here.

So what you're saying is:

1) This has already been discussed ad nauseum
2) You decided to make another topic on what is basically the same thing
3) This time you didn't even reference football or even how it would affect recruiting, you made it solely about making fun of a middle aged guy for being balding

Your mom would be disappointed in you.
I'm not sure about looking like a sloth but his turnaround sure is slothful.
From the Goonies? These recruiting photos with his tuft of hair up top just scream, “Hey you guuyyys!”
Pls post your picture. I want to makè fun of it the way you make fun of our football program.
OP is the message board equivalent of saying “Hey you guuyyys!”

Troll better
OP's post is stupid. You guys attacking OP for his post is stupid also. Quit the dumbassery.

The reality is this: if I'm making $3 mil/year my hair could grow in like zebra stripes and nobody would GAF. I also wouldn't need individuals on a message board defending my shitty hair.

TLDR; I would take Collins' hair for his salary.
Maybe I should have insulted someone’s mom instead….seems to always go over well here.
I'm thinking I should weigh in on this one... These are the kinds of threads I look for especially about men's hairstyles and clothing choices; but yeah, would definitely go over much better if you insulted someone's mom instead. :)
Maybe some of you are jealous that he still has hair. :biggrin:
OP's post is stupid. You guys attacking OP for his post is stupid also. Quit the dumbassery.

The reality is this: if I'm making $3 mil/year my hair could grow in like zebra stripes and nobody would GAF. I also wouldn't need individuals on a message board defending my ööööty hair.

TLDR; I would take Collins' hair for his salary.
Yeah well your post is stupid for calling OP’s post stupid and everyone else’s post stupid.

TLDR: off-season is stupid.
If Collins isn't a straight-up alcoholic at this point, he's a better man than I. I don't know what it is like to fail in such a high-profile position and I am not jealous of the people who find out what it's like. Not gonna catch me making fun of his hair in his situation.