Season Ticket Renewal

Do you plan to renew your season tickets this year?

  • Yes, I've already renewed.

    Votes: 43 54.4%
  • Yes, I plan to renew, but am waiting until the deadline (4/25).

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Nope, I am not renewing.

    Votes: 34 43.0%
  • I am purchasing season tickets for the first time.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm really on the fence here. What are the masses doing about season tickets?
Do you really have to get guidance here? I've upped my season tickets, it's the easiest and most enjoyable way to support Tech athletics. I hold my nose from the stench at the NCAA and SECheats, but still hope things will work out. Personally I see a much more enjoyable program coming up.
I typically get my tickets through VETTIX, for the games that I attend. Plus, we have to put a new liner in our pool.... So, it's either a pool, this year or season tickets... Guess which one makes the wife happier??? LOL
My sentiments exactly. Why would I obligate myself to do something that is not enjoyable and have to pay to do so. But of course, to each his own.
Exactly, one could always donate their money if so obliged, but time is precious.
Do you really have to get guidance here? I've upped my season tickets, it's the easiest and most enjoyable way to support Tech athletics. I hold my nose from the stench at the NCAA and SECheats, but still hope things will work out. Personally I see a much more enjoyable program coming up.

Wrong. The easiest and most enjoyable way to support Tech athletics is to donate to the AT Fund; but that is probably because I don't enjoy driving 4 hours to watch GT play lousy. If we get a more enjoyable program I will probably start buying season tickets again.
With 3 teenage boys and a call schedule, we have so much shit going on the weekends that I don't even get to watch it on TV. The last 3 years I bought tickets (dropped them last season after 15-20 years) I never made it to a game. I'm all about supporting athletics, but I cannot even claim the seat fees as a donation to the school. We have such a bad product on the field that I had trouble giving away 40 yard line 7th row seats. Sure as hell can't sell them and reclaim any significant money. Wound up donating most of them to the vet ticket program. I have no idea if they ever got used. I assume they did not as I didn't get the usual "how was your game experience" email like I would when we used them or I personally found someone to take them and go.
We are renewing but moving to cheap seats. Will probably only make half the games with kids activities and such. Also donating $9 in honor of our 9 wins the past three seasons. And pledging $100 per win for this season.
Just decided today ( last for renewing ) not to re-up on the 4 club seats for 2022. Got several reminders from the AA, but no way to justify the expense for what appears to be another losing season.
Yes, and added 2 tickets. Can’t wait. Hopefully, the fans around me will be more positive. Empty seats would be an improvement.
If I lived in the Atlanta area, I’d keep buying season tickets, but I’m just far enough away (Charlotte) to make going to a game a weekend commitment. Right now just not worth it. I’ll go to a game or two, and buy from the AA for those.
I won't attend another live game so long as this clown is running the show. One of the reasons I moved back to Atlanta from the Caribbean was because of how much I missed GT football. This is not it.