
Has CPJ said anything about how the early signing day will affect his recruiting policy.

I would assume based on his policy that any commit that doesnt sign will have their spot opened up to potentially be taken by another player.

That's an interesting thought. Hard to argue with the logic based on his current policy. Although the fact that early signing period is only 3 days long complicates thing. You could have a guy take his spot who doesn't have to sign until February - and who knows if he is actually more/less "committed" than the previous guy was. It could make players less likely to commit to Tech until after early signing period for fear of having their hand forced before they feel comfortable doing so. They're will inevitably be some crazy stories resulting from the new rule. I think in the long run it will help us more than hurt us. We will lose fewer guys to factory teams on the last few days who missed on their bigger targets.
This is now that thread...
