2016 Butthurt Futures Market


Is there some kind of cryptographic way I could use my computer to mine butthurt? Maybe with a vast array of botnets?

You could use your computer to manipulate butthurt markets for other teams...
This is a quality Stingtalk endeavor.

I will definitely participate.

But it sounds, from your description, that it's going to run more as a commodities market than a futures market, is that correct?

Yeah. It will be similar to betting contest. Market opens at 9 on Monday and closes at 5 on Friday. The closing price on Friday will be based on the amount of trading done over the week. The prices will change over the weekend based on team results when the market reopens on Monday. The amount of price change will be based on prediction polls that coit posts as in how much the market will move depending on how confident y'all were in the team leading up to the game. If this works out and people enjoy participating we'll introduce more derivative products.
Important question - can we assume that butthurt is an unlimited resource?
Important question - can we assume that butthurt is an unlimited resource?

yes and no. The prices will change based on team results due to Asian markets opening Sunday night to drive prices higher or lower for Stingtalk Butthurt Exhange opening Monday morning.
Yeah. It will be similar to betting contest. Market opens at 9 on Monday and closes at 5 on Friday. The closing price on Friday will be based on the amount of trading done over the week. The prices will change over the weekend based on team results when the market reopens on Monday. The amount of price change will be based on prediction polls that coit posts as in how much the market will move depending on how confident y'all were in the team leading up to the game. If this works out and people enjoy participating we'll introduce more derivative products.

Discussing some ideas with you now. I think it will be in everyone's best interest to be voting in the polls for maximum value.
When Akinji gets his $1 million seed money on Sharktank for Butthurt_trades, I'll say I was here at the beginning.

When Akinji sells out to FanZone for $100 million. I'll be there cheering him on.

When Akinji dies in a compromising position with a pound of blow, 12 hookers, and hookah. I'll recount the whole sordid affair on the talkshow circuit. Well, Keith Richards and I will.

So long Akinji. You died as you lived, upon your ill gotten fortune from butthurt.
When Akinji gets his $1 million seed money on Sharktank for Butthurt_trades, I'll say I was here at the beginning.

When Akinji sells out to FanZone for $100 million. I'll be there cheering him on.

When Akinji dies in a compromising position with a pound of blow, 12 hookers, and hookah. I'll recount the whole sordid affair on the talkshow circuit. Well, Keith Richards and I will.

So long Akinji. You died as you lived, upon your ill gotten fortune from butthurt.

I'll take it! :lol2:
Important question - can we assume that butthurt is an unlimited resource?
No, according to the Law of Conservation of Butthurt, it can neither be created nor destroyed; the amount in a system stays constant.
You guys are ööööing up the rules to butthurt.

You are the reason nobody knows how to trade butthurt because you don't have financial training. And on a board where so much of it is generated, it's really a waste to let you be in charge of anything.
You are the reason nobody knows how to trade butthurt because you don't have financial training. And on a board where so much of it is generated, it's really a waste to let you be in charge of anything.
post your CV akinji, let's see your "financial training" before we appoint you king of butthurt
post your CV akinji, let's see your "financial training" before we appoint you king of butthurt

I don't care for you to appoint me shit. I'll put out a product and you'll use it if you want and if not then you won't.