He complains all the time.
Change your bloody tampon and quit complaining about my alleged complaining.
Why do you complain so much. I get that you’re prolly an engineer but seriously, all the time? Doesn’t it get old being pissed off 24/7?
I didn't complain. In fact . . . I have no $@&*ing idea what you think I'm complaining about - and I'll bet you don't either. What do you think is my complaint?
I asked some reasonable questions about how someone decided our class is number 8. What metrics did they use? Who chose the metrics - Brad Shepard? WTH are his qualifications?
Hey, maybe we should be better than number 8! I don't know, because it just looks like a random number pulled out of Brad Shepard's nether regions. So why are you accepting 8?
And in general I probably complain less than you. I'm not pissed off 24/7, but I do use my brain 24/7 to question and think about what people write or say, and no that does not get old. Again, YMMV.
Sure, It's great publicity. I guess. How many folks even pay attention to Bleacher Report anyway - they seem to be full of S%!* at least half the time when I read anything they write? But I'm sure it's great publicity. Especially for mindless drones. Of which there are clearly many . . . even a surprising number here.
Anyway, I agree that your philosophy is stellar. Don't question the validity of anything, because if you do . . . well then you're just complaining. Just pour yourself another glass of Koolaid like you've been doing since childhood and never question whether there might be some better drink out there for an adult. Drink up and enjoy!