Of all the prospects and commits I've seen interviews with, the one the AJC had with McLaughlin after his OV was by far the most impressive to me. Sounded the most sincere and genuine and thought-out of the bunch. Plus, getting back into the Tampa Jesuit pipeline could be big.
I will give CGC and his staff props for a ramped up and amped up recruiting push. But I read the comments from kids after visits and wonder if there isn't a level of astroturfing going on. When one or two say they are changing the culture there, I started to wonder - how do they know? Were they making visits under the previous staff? I had not seen anything to say that had taken place.
A lot of the prospects and commits are saying the same things in the same manner, as if they are coached to do that. Not saying it's good or bad; it's just a thing. And probably a good strategy. Get the kids to say that stuff publicly and it's part of the battle.