26 Years Ago...

The pregame hype was all UVA. It was a splendid win indeed!

Trivia:Bill Curry and Vince Dooley had sons on the UVA squad... Who was the celebrity father of one of the starting linebackers for UVA?
was it Jesse Jackson?
I remember it well. Got so excited when Sisson kicked the winning field goal that I almost jumped up into a spinning ceiling fan while holding my six month old son. Went down to campus to welcome the team back around 10 PM on Saturday night. The students built a bonfire so big in the intersection by the stadium that the flames melted the traffic light. Hundreds on hand to welcome the team home. The GT police just stayed back and watched the show. AFD eventually had to come and put out the bonfire in the intersection.

That was truly a great time to be alive and a GT fan. It's my hope that every GT fan could experience that for just one season. It was truly magical and showed first hand the art of the possible. How far we have come since those days.

Also remember that nimrod CBS Sports homer Mike Francesa saying at halftime that there was no way that GT could come back from a 14 point deficit. Haven't seen much of him since then and that's a good thing! Bill Curry was on at the half and praised himself for recruiting some of the players on the 1990 team. I'll let history judge the impact of that statement...
Saw that game at a friend's house with about 30 other people and a keg of beer. When Sisson's kick went through 30 beers hit
the ceiling. The guy's wife returned from shopping a few minutes later and ran us all out of there. She wasn't really much of a fan.
Would have been cool to have been old enough to appreciate it.

I was only 2, however.
thought I remembered that - I think his name was Yusef ?

btw last time anyone from my family has attended GT, we won the NC - my uncle in '52 and me in '90....my son will be a frosh in 2020 and already has strong engineering interest and academic record....just sayin.
I was working with a recent UVA grad. All he said on Monday morning was "doesn't that SOB Sisson ever graduate?" If I recall correctly, Sisson had also beaten UVA in previous years.
I remember it well. Got so excited when Sisson kicked the winning field goal that I almost jumped up into a spinning ceiling fan while holding my six month old son. Went down to campus to welcome the team back around 10 PM on Saturday night. The students built a bonfire so big in the intersection by the stadium that the flames melted the traffic light. Hundreds on hand to welcome the team home. The GT police just stayed back and watched the show. AFD eventually had to come and put out the bonfire in the intersection.

That was truly a great time to be alive and a GT fan. It's my hope that every GT fan could experience that for just one season. It was truly magical and showed first hand the art of the possible. How far we have come since those days.

Also remember that nimrod CBS Sports homer Mike Francesa saying at halftime that there was no way that GT could come back from a 14 point deficit. Haven't seen much of him since then and that's a good thing! Bill Curry was on at the half and praised himself for recruiting some of the players on the 1990 team. I'll let history judge the impact of that statement...

Man, you are right about curry. Still see the curry's & the dooley's strutting around those luxury seats talking to each other as if they were above all that ACC rabble. curry's arrogance really shown through on that interview you referenced. Lost respect for him that day. Wrote him a letter about it and told him I hoped never to see him again at GT and he should just hang out in alabama with scumbuckets like his " good friend" darwin holt.
I was working with a recent UVA grad. All he said on Monday morning was "doesn't that SOB Sisson ever graduate?" If I recall correctly, Sisson had also beaten UVA in previous years.

Think it was the next year - on a Thursday nite game. Not sure however.
Ross is the example of class on the sidelines. Old Al, walking around like he got caught with is hand up his on ass. O'Leary is small compared to later when he came back to GT. After that game the fun really started.
1990 was the first time I traveled to Athens for COFH. Bless you Shawn Jones, wherever you are.
I was 10 years old and watching it at my cousins' trailer. Haha, the "classy" side of my family.

Note: They also had an above ground pool.