698 yards of offense

Psychology is just measured voodoo.

I agree. But if we can measure it, then we can do something about it. Given that the other option is just to write it up to voodoo. Because the numbers seem to indicate voodoo. Statistically speaking.

Back when we used to make the baseball postseason from time to time, I've never seen a clearer example of a team getting into its own heads than a GT-U[sic]GA regional or super regional at Tech. We made dumb, uncharacteristic errors all over the place in that game. Definitely seemed like the anxiety was getting the best of us.

I don't know if we need a sports psychologist (a la John Smoltz back in the day), or just need to make some plays and build up a little bit of confidence or "swagger." There was a recent thread that suggested that the pressure of having to score every time with no margin for error was perhaps weighing on the offense, and maybe there's something to that.

I love PJ and want to keep him as our coach, but I wonder whether his greatest deficiency isn't understanding sports psychology voodoo.
But if we can measure it, then we can do something about it.
This most definitely does not follow.

Unless you mean the observer effect. Which in the case of quantum football means that observing the voodoo results in a change of coaching state.
I love PJ and want to keep him as our coach, but I wonder whether his greatest deficiency isn't understanding sports psychology voodoo.

Hard to say. His comments that deemphasized the importance of the U[sic]GA game weren't well-liked by the fanbase, but maybe they went some way toward taking some of the pressure off of that game (a positive psychological move, probably).
