not a stupid comment at all.
the whole conspiracy theory behind the tall grass is that it slows everyone down, giving the team with the slower players a more even playing ground. but, the ignorance of the theory is that tall grass slows everyone down... not just the fast people. so, how exactly, does that benefit either team? Running on grass isn't rocket science... it doesn't take a genius to understand how to do it. you make it sound like practicing in rough grass makes you better in rough grass.... how so? regardless, it's a stupid excuse that originated from USC's coaches and players to explain why they almost lost to ND. back in 2005, USC also had a WR injured, and they blamed the injury on the tall grass as well, but if you watch the tape, the dude tripped over his own two feet... it had nothing to do with the grass. the media then takes these claims and plays them up to get better ratings (since we all know controversy brings in ratings). watch the game tape.... or just watch game highlights, then come back to tell me whether or not the grass looks suspicious in any way at all. i'm sure you can find some HD replays somewhere.
it's pretty lame when you attack ND by basically saying that Weis will "cheat" his way to advantages. have you EVER heard of another team that complained about the grass height at ND stadium? no. The only team to ever complain about it was USC... who also complained about UCLA's grass when they lost. go figure.