9/21, Saturday Othergames Thread (Times A-changin' A-dition)

Except for the hillbillies game, the noon games are all ass.
ööööing CBS producer keeps showing midwestern corn fed Wolverine cheerleaders instead of the uber-hot Trojan cheerleaders in their magnificent sweaters. Must be into dudes.
And there ends the eompetitive portion of the Tarhole beatdown.

Either Alonza Barnett III is a future first ballot hall of famer, or Clown's defense really sucks.
Unbelievable that ACC network has pulled the game to spare Tarheel embarrassment. Shameful.
Wow, it is now more points than our / Vad Lee's 2012 win over UNC (68-50)
Kyle Wittighams still deceiving folks about Cam Rising's health. Moved the odds about three to four points before it leaked that it was a charade and Rising still can't play.

If I bet on Utah minus 2 or 3 I'd be pssied. At myself for buying Whittigham's bull shit. He hasn't told the truth about Cam Rising's health literally since 2022. So if you bet on Utah, you deserve whatever the öööö happens.

Here's a clue. Kyle Whittingham has absolutely ZERO credibility. Cam Rising broke his ööööing throwing hand on a late hit against Baylor, and his college career is over. The End.