9 UGA players decalered ineligble 4 suspended by Richt

The NCAA rules of 'amatuerism' lack foresight and are outdated (which is probably redundant
) ...
One has got to feel for SA's that don't have enough money to buy a weekend out for themselves while their coaches and bosses are wheeling and dealing multi-million dollar contracts and endorsements...
Meanwhile the ACC is accepting such notable academic institutions like U of Miami to bolster their take at the next TV contract sweepstakes... All while offering such outstanding diplomas such as Sports Sciences, or Urban Management, or worse...
I love to see UGA suffer but not at the expense of the SA's trying to enjoy what should be the best years of their lives...
I'll rethink these attitudes once the colleges begin to offer degrees to SA's that are truely marketable in the real world IF an athlete graduates...