92.9 just said we're gonna have a better year than the dwags.

Makes you realize just how old you are when all those stations are distant memories.
EDIT: What's a radio station?

No shit. My wife and I were reminiscing about the Power99 days and then their transition to 99X, listening to the Sunday morning replay of Kasey's top 40, Fox97, etc.
No öööö. My wife and I were reminiscing about the Power99 days and then their transition to 99X, listening to the Sunday morning replay of Kasey's top 40, Fox97, etc.
Love songs on B98.5? I used to like to turn it there and listen to the pathetic desperation of the dedications. A lot of the time, you could tell it was some big high school gal who got banged at a party and was now "in love" with Johnny Football Hero. She wanted to know how they could work it out since he won't call and wants to know where they went wrong....please dedicate "I love you" by Climax Blues Band to Johnny.
Oh for the days of 94 and "tomatohead" Craig Ashwood (as so described in an edition of The Technique, from way back when)
I kind of wish you guys could listen to sports talk up here in DC. We have a guy - Chad Dukes - who talks sports the way it was meant to be discussed. And I don't think he has ever uttered any mention of the dwags.
Hey as long as we finally beat them at home (been waiting since Fall 2001) would be amazing
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These guys are a ööööing joke. There's NO WAY we have a better season than UGA.

Wait...wha...I feel used.