A winnable game is lost

I’m sure Collins, in the third-grade mind of his, thinks he should be allowed to finish the season now.

Stansbury should be tarred and feathered for letting this autistic fool hold our program hostage like this.
Something like that.
Complete ööööing dogcollins
No discipline, and I don't mean yelling and screaming discipline. I mean we just apparently aren't fundamentally sound on just about every level. FG's (snap and kick), punting, defensive penalties, OL not blocking, TE play......hell, any defensive play when Charlie Thomas is on the bench....

The good.....the touchback... Hella hustle.
No discipline, and I don't mean yelling and screaming discipline. I mean we just apparently aren't fundamentally sound on just about every level. FG's (snap and kick), punting, defensive penalties, OL not blocking, TE play......hell, any defensive play when Charlie Thomas is on the bench....

The good.....the touchback... Hella hustle.
We have some good players and I believe we have some good coaches. But Collins is the General that no one believes in. That’s why Choice and Coleman bolted. Makes me wonder why the others stay - do they not see the problem or are they just making the best of a bad situation?
"And I'm scratching my head folks, as much as you are."

- Andy Demetra, following the blocked punt TD. Joe echoed his mystification.