Originally posted by Beezoner:
As for the high-horse engineering snobs, your current brethren are not exactly enjoying themselves here at GT. Witness this hugely popular site:
GT Sux
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I know this is old, but I'm going to respond to it either way. This guy must have had his head in the clouds when he decided to come to Tech.
He complains about the homework problems that were assigned from a textbook! How is the Tech at fault for that? Maybe they could have picked a textbook that had more nicely worded problems, but I'm sure he would have problems with any text. And complains that the only way to get a good grade in physics if you spend 7 years "memorizing" all the info. If anyone tries to memorize physics, they are going to fail. If a student doesn't understand the material, you are going to fail. You cannot memorize how to do physics. Unfortunately, this is a big problem with incoming students. Just because they memorized their way through high school, it doesn't mean they can memorize through college.
Apparently Rowner is a crappy chem prof who showed up late to class. Wow, the horrors. It is unfortunate that the final was 70% of his grade, but he thinks he could pass the last 2 weeks without coming the previous 10? Right genius...
I agree about housing, it is a shaft.
The FASET scam...for some reason, he must have closed his eyes when walking around campus, not noticing the ratio of males to females. As for the dorms, he could have simply asked the housing department which buildings were designated for freshman, they would have told him. Guess he was too busy looking down some FASET co-eds blouse.
As I read the GT Sux webpage, I realize that Tech is actually too easy, idiots like him should not be allowed in.
Ok, I'm done ranting.