Akinji's 222-0 Thread


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Staff member
Mar 28, 2011
Guys welcome to my thread about 222-0. Now I know this is a moment of pride in Tech history, where we annihilated a grossly undermatched opponent who didn't even have enough football players to field a real team. We were getting them back for having professional ringers on their baseball team when they played us and beat us 22-0. Now some say that the rumor about professional ringers was actually made up for the horrible defeat engineers suffered against the Bulldogs in that baseball game and that John Heisman had actually lost a lot of money betting on that game. So he was taking it out on their team of nonathletes for screwing him out of money. What say you? Do you think we should keep celebrating a personal hitjob or do we recognize that it's kinda lame to celebrate scoring 222 points against a team of average joes?
I would like the input of our fans who were alive at the time. @coit what say you about these allegations?
Do we all get to make one of these threads?

At least I took the time to provide some useful content in the one I started. There was no 222-0 related thread in the football forum when I started mine. While I was editing, I guess the troll started one and made a stupid comment about the offense. Even if that was there when I posted mine I would've made it anyway.
Coit's a little touchy today it seems...

Yes yourn was useful, that's why I made the comment here. Settle down before your heart explodes.
Coit's a little touchy today it seems...

Yes yourn was useful, that's why I made the comment here. Settle down before your heart explodes.

Not touchy, just explaining that my post was first. And best. As usual.
I hear people complaining about Heisman's personal grudge against Cumberland, but I have yet to hear one of these whiners suggest which coach we could've gotten that would have done a better job. Tech may have actually been the only coaching job in town at the time, but on an athletic department budget of a few hundred dollars a week, you people have some pretty ridiculous expectations.
This was the original thread. Coit's just copied me and started his own. Kinda lame imo. Like Heisman beating a defenseless opponent 222-0.
I'm glad we dropped 222 on 'em and, if we played 'em again, I'd hope for 223. öööö 'em.
This did not generate as much butthurt as I hoped it would.
What say you? Do you think we should keep celebrating a personal hitjob or do we recognize that it's kinda lame to celebrate scoring 222 points against a team of average joes?

I think we should have a ceremony to posthumously give all the Cumberland players participation awards and have Tech issue a formal apology for running up the score.