Akinji's 222-0 Thread

No cause I'm not a homo

You were already scared to say anything to me when you saw my gladiator physique at the clemson tailgate...its ok, lots of weaklings are intimidated by my rugged good looks, my impressively fit body, and my confident manner
You were already scared to say anything to me when you saw my gladiator physique at the clemson tailgate...its ok, lots of weaklings are intimidated by my rugged good looks, my impressively fit body, and my confident manner
Too many brown people at the tailgate. Had to leave before the police busted it up.
Apparently after you and your brown chick left

We were headed to the Tab last Friday night and we passed this black guy. She was wearing a black dress and he almost walked into her. He said damn girl you are almost blacker than I am!
Too bad there's not any highlights of the game because some Jim Ross commentary would be awesome with it.