
Nov 25, 2001

After the Miami game there were NUMEROUS POSTS on their boards talking about how Reggie is a better QB than theirs.

Have you looked at F$U QB play? How bought MD?

WITHOUT REGGIE we don't beat Miami or Auburn. We may have beaten NCST, but do not kid yourself.

Our line has been like a SIFF at times and a less tough QB would have ended up in the hospital.

This guy brings you TWO ROAD WINS over top 10 teams and all you do is ripp him. That is pathetic. With our lineplay you people are delusional if you think a drop back passer is the answer.
It is not RB, it is the O coaching, or lack thereof, that he is exposed to.
is it coaching at....

is it also coaching at Miami, F$U, MD, Clemson, UF, and Tenn and all the other places that have struggled with inconsistent QB play this year.

A few of those teams are usually pretty good recruiters too. It amazing that they just don't go pluck an all-american QB off the QB tree like GT fans expect CG to do. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif
And you know this how? You've seen an alternate universe where someone else is Reggie's coach? You've noticed all of the QB's that CCG has ever had didn't reach your standards of effectiveness? Your coaching credentials please since you've obviously observed most of the practices and know what the coaches are doing wrong with him? I think it has sunk in with most observers that even Ralph couldn't turn him into JH.
he certainly has some positives but his height and basic throwing ability are problems.He needs to be in a VERY strong Oline dominated RUN offense where the pressure is off him having continous passing.He's not basically accurate.
He has now made some steps toward NOT making bad decisions.Now he needs to make continous positive GOOD decisions to get himself and us to the next level.If fact if he doesn't next yr we will be back at the 7-5 mode(even with 2 gimmees) since our DEF will not be allowing only 18 pts a game.
So law, are you saying Reggie is above criticism? For my money he's pretty accurate when he's throwing from the pocket with good mechanics. He's not when he's on the run or when he throws off his back foot. He's not comfortable in the pocket imo. He's too quick to give up and run in many cases.

He's a great competitor with a huge heart. But he's not a great QB.
He's a great competitor with a huge heart. But he's not a great QB.

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I don't think anyone wants to win more than Reggie and he has a ton of heart. But after three years there's just not that much improvement. I think Reggie would make a great wishbone QB.
I think Reggie would make a great wishbone QB.

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In college football, is a great wishbone/option QB not a great QB?
A great wishbone/option QB is great only if you run the wishbone/option...
I have been ripping Reggie b/c when the chips are down he has blinked THREE (3) times vs Ga!!!! Yes, he helped us win on the road vs two top ten teams but the reason we won was b/c of the DEFENSE not Reggie!!!!!
Did you mean sieve or does SIFF mean something?

Reggie is so far a 20-14 quarterback. That puts him in the top 1/3 for quarterbacks in the country.

However, we aren't getting to the top 1/6 because of that one position and we've played to that level with much of the rest of the team. A QB has to be able to hit one wide open bomb a year or 10 players in stride a year in my book to be non-controversial.

I think we all like him though and would like to see him in the Slash role, punt returner, option, etc. IN this day and age though, unless you are Navy, your quarterback needs to have slightly better throwing skills.
A great wishbone/option QB is great only if you run the wishbone/option...

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Thank you for explaining my point SMoney!

Of course, when you run the wishbone/option you are RUNNING most of the time. Reggie is a good RUNNING QB but in our offense that just doesn't work to his advantage most of the time
A great wishbone/option QB is great only if you run the wishbone/option...

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Thank you for explaining my point SMoney!

Of course, when you run the wishbone/option you are RUNNING most of the time. Reggie is a good RUNNING QB but in our offense that just doesn't work to his advantage most of the time

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This kind of explains my point as well. If you have a QB who is obviously more effective as a running threat than a passer, wouldn't it make sense to either tailor your offense to fit his talents or find another QB who does fit your offense? That is a question I think everyone who likes to disparage Reggie should keep in mind.
That is a question I think everyone who likes to disparage Reggie should keep in mind.

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If I didn't understand what you meant, I apologize.

However, if I do understand, I seriously doubt anyone is ripping RB or anyone personally.
Professionally though, its the coaches that are ultimately responsible for continuing to put Reggie in the same predicament of having to read defensive coverages and to make accurate throws in critical game situations.

I fully expect that CG and PN understand Reggie's strengths and limitations thoroughly, but nothing has changed in 3 full seasons.

I fully expect that CG and PN understand Reggie's strengths and limitations thoroughly, but nothing has changed in 3 full seasons.

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They do, and design the offensive game plan around his strengths and weaknesses, but Reggie's limitations is what is also limiting our scoring even so. (NOTE: Reggie is NOT exclusively to blame for our lack of points, but it is a significant reason).

However, you are way wrong in that nothing has changed in 3 years. Sure, the offense is still very unproductive pointswise, but Reggie is no longer turnover prone and has taken very few sacks this past year.
if you think Reggie last year or year b/f could have beaten Miami or Auburn you are kidding yourself.

I don't mind the legit criticism but some of you people are WAY OVER THE TOP, IMO.

Reggie has performed better than NUMEROUS ACC team's QB. Reggie would be starting on other ACC teams as well. The Div II QB slams are uncalled for.

I hope next year Reggie will platoon w/ Garner, but Garner may not be ready.

Our placekicking has been a FAR BIGGER problem than Reggie. It we didn't have Reggie we would not be going to a bowl this year.

I don't mind the legit criticism but some of you people are WAY OVER THE TOP, IMO.

It we didn't have Reggie we would not be going to a bowl this year.

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LB, I agree with you but only extracted a couple of sentences.

In simplest terms, this is why I am so frustrated with Reggie: I believe RB can be much more consistently good for us. He is a good college football player that happens to be wound too tight in critical situations.
Chan is smart enough to not admit in front of a microphone that Reggie is 99% better when playing with a lead, or when the game is tied. That may sound stupidly simplistic, but I believe that #1's span from his very best to very worst is as big if not bigger than any quarterback I can remember seeing. This switch from positive to negative play seems to emerge in the blink of the eye, but its actually at crunch time. Very frustrating!

What's more frustrating to me is that when he is under uncomfortable pressure, he attempts to do things that do not come naturally.
I am certainly no pysch, but its like he is trying to prove something to himself by making somebody else's play, and not his.
Now that I'm rolling, I believe Reggie, at crunchtime is trying to prove to somebody that he can make all the throws
required at the next level. (Yes, I think RB believes he can be an NFL quarterback)

Because of this last reason, I believe that even though the coaches may be calling the plays that are best suited for the situation and Reggie's natural ability, RB at times will opt for the ill fitting, high risk play that he thinks an NFL caliber QB would run.

I believe that Reggie Ball has all the talent needed for this year's team to have won 9 or even 10 football games.
However, playing outside of himself has led to the hair pulling frustrations that we have come to know.

As we all can remember, Chan Gailey has indicated his frustrations with RB on several occasions. I believe that these frustrations are due to the inability of the coaching staff to eliminate his selfish play at the worst possible moments.

There, I don't know if I feel better, but this is what drives me nutts with Reggie Ball.
I happen to think Chan's a pretty smart offensive coach. I know that alone will get me in trouble with many on here but there it is. I don't think he would send in plays Reggie can't run or put him in situations he hasn't shown the ability to handle in practise. That's what my biggest issue with Reggie is. I believe he's show the coaching staff he can handle things but then doesn't do it in the game. Has to drive Chan and Nix crazy, but at the same time they know he can do it.
Agree nc, CCG is not just a pretty good O coach He's damn good, some will never understand or give credit. I think most are blinded by Ralph's so called high powered O.
in the long run the D and CCG's balanced O will, I think win out.
I think Reggie would make a great wishbone QB.

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It'll be a shame if Tech doesn't try and run some option next year, Reggie's last. With stronger, more confident coaching I'm sure RB could have been (could still be) a star.