Its pretty obvious that Reggie has talent running the ball, nevertheless he is pretty small. If he has any hopes of going to the next level he will do it as a receiver, kick returner, third down back out of backfield (Charles Rogers type back).

Clearly he needs to highlight his legs and not his arms next year and Gailey should understand his value as a runner by now. If that means we have a QB who could get him the ball in the open field he could be awesome. If we don't have any other QB's who can do the job then put in the option package with Reggie at QB and pass the ball less often. Duh.

In the Miami game Reggie showed that he would be an awesome shotgun/spread offense QB. Like another Woody Dantzler. Chan has to realize that this is college and you mold your offense to the players you have, not the pros where you procure the players to match your offensive style.

BTW, what's Woody Danzler doing now?? Pay attention, Reggie!!!
I think he is physically suited to the option, but not mentally. I would hate to think of his ball security skills (or lack therof) out there on a keep or pitch decision every other play or so.
I don't think he would send in plays Reggie can't run or put him in situations he hasn't shown the ability to handle in practise. That's what my biggest issue with Reggie is. I believe he's show the coaching staff he can handle things but then doesn't do it in the game. Has to drive Chan and Nix crazy, but at the same time they know he can do it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have thought about this too, but since the beginning of sport there have been gamers, and non gamers. Good coaches know that there is a difference between practice and real bullets.

Chan intelligently won't say it, but he knows (as we all have seen) how RB comparatively falls apart when Tech gets behind. The one time that RB has played as well as he can when behind was at UM. I believe that coaching and calming him at the half was a huge factor in that go ahead drive.

The focal point of this particular RB thread is "The Play, version 2005". On this interception, I continue to believe that the ball was supposed to go to CJ. The other receivers of course, ran their routes but were not supposed to be in play unless a disaster happened on CJ's route.
I can just see where Reggie, at the line of scrimmage, decided that since everyone in the building knew that the ball would go to CJ, he would outsmart uga and throw to Bilbo. IIRC, he never looked before he threw.

I have to quit doing this to myself!! Now, where did I put my drink? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drink1.gif

Well, at least I haven't completely bought into my high school daughter's theory yet: RB doesn't throw to Calvin because Reggie is jealous of him.
On second thought..... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Well, I'm more inclined to think Bilbo may have been at least one of Reggie's options if not the primary on that play. It would make sense to go to another receiver immediately after trying a throw to CJ. What Reggie may have seen is the DB covering CJ backing off. I don't know what route CJ ran but if Reggie was thinking fade I can see why he would look away from that. But the DB on Debo was creeping in. I don't know how Reggie could miss that unless he just wasn't looking for it.

The thing about Reggie though is he comes through sometimes. Just when you think he's ready to take that step to being that guy who wins games for you he doesn't. It's not like he's no good, but he's still inconsistent.
Fair Question for Law_Bee....

Sorry if this has already been mentioned...This is one of the biggest reasons I don't like Reggie.

Would you agree that Calvin Johnson's talent is being somewhat wasted because Reggie doesn't have the ability to consistently get the ball to him or put passes in good locations for yards-after-catch? Yes I know, Calvin has done some amazing things in his career at Tech, but can you imagine how great he could be with a better passing QB? Calvin is undoubtably the best reciever talent Tech has ever had, and we can't take full advantage of him because of our QB limitation. Next season will most likely be the same with Reggie, and then Calvin could be gone to the pros, never even putting up a fraction of the collegiate statistics he could.

Please answer the question without citing our offensive line as an excuse for Reggie...or who we have as backup QBs....or that Calvin gets double-coverage (which is all to easy for opponents since they don't fear Reggie's passing ability - they fear Calvins catching ability).
Re: Fair Question for Law_Bee....

What's your point? You didn't say anything in your post that hasn't been said by many on here, including me. So what is it you want me to answer? Is Reggie a great passing QB? NO. I thought that was what I said.
Re: is it coaching at....

LB, is it coaching at those schools "this year?"

Maybe, but not 4 years in a row, IMO. And I responded to your query by NOT ripping RB.

Cycle, it is not that anyone knows, but I don't think it can be regarded as coaching a player up by having him throw the ball in the stands and then make great claims about improving his interception stats. Those are improved by passes thrown in play.
It Sounds Like You Know ...

"It is not RB, it is the O coaching, or lack thereof, that he is exposed to."

I think you can blame CCG for not bringing in better QB's. But it should be fairly obvious that RB is the best he has on the roster. And sometimes players max out their abilities long before we as fans and coaches want them to.
Re: Fair Question for Law_Bee....

What's your point? You didn't say anything in your post that hasn't been said by many on here, including me. So what is it you want me to answer? Is Reggie a great passing QB? NO. I thought that was what I said.

[/ QUOTE ]

The question was: Are we wasting the best talent WR Tech has ever seen.... Yes or No? And I'm pretty sure I was asking Law_Bee, sport.
Re: Fair Question for Law_Bee....

Well I admit I missed your subject line, sport. But next time how about replying to the post you mean to reply to? You replied to my post, so I thought you were talking to me.
Re: Fair Question for Law_Bee....

No problem, didn't notice I had replied to your post. You want to throw out a 'Yes' or 'No' to that question?
No ....

if we were wasting him we'd be playing him at DE or OLB. Perhaps you are thinking about how GOL wasted Tony Hollings at DB.
Re: Fair Question for Law_Bee....

He's not getting all the chances he might in a different offense, but to say he's being wasted is too strong.