Another batch of BDS pictures (link)


Nov 19, 2001
Goldtimer did such a super job posting pictures yesterday. He's THE MAN!!

Tried to take some from a little different view so we're not looking at the same thing.

Finally figured out how to clear up images on front page. WOOO HOOO!!!

BDS was locked up tighter today than usual. Had to sneak my way to the field by going under the north stands. Very interesting down there. Inside seems HUGE! Wardlaw was locked! West Stands locked!!

Looking out "Jacket Portal" as the players will on Aug. 31 honestly gave me chills.

Picture on front page are from today. Others in link, "photo album," marked BDS July 28.

BDS July 28
Thanx for the additional pics! They look great... Counting down the days to GT football!! GOOOOOO JACKETS!
KR, have you checked your profile. Sent you some info in private message you were asking about. Says you haven't read it yet.

You're welcome as well for the pix.