Another example of Braine pimping Tech...

bobby dodds ghost

Damn Good Rat
Jun 5, 2002
Braine has a long record of making decisions based on the money, not what is best for Tech athletics. His latest pimping manoeuvre was to move the Ga. Tech / UGA basketball game to Thanksgiving Eve so that it would be played on TV. TV is good, but what is bad is the fact that most students and many ticket holders will be out of town. This game is arguably the biggest game of the season, and it will not be close to a sell-out, and any UGA fan can now easily get tickets to OUR HOUSE! Thank you Braine, for once again screwing the Tech fanbase for a buck.
I also will not be surprised if Braine doesn't create an Auburn promotional package this summer inviting Auburn fans to buy as many tickets as possible in the new North upper deck. Those 12,000 seats have to go to somebody, Auburn's money is just as green as FSU's and UGA's.
Damn, it's tough being a Tech fan (que the ankle biters).
Maybe I missed something, but where will the students be on Thanksgiving Eve? I thought we played Ugag on Sat, surely the students won't be going home? I never left campus for Thanksgiving in 4 years at Tech and certainly wouldn't for a Ugag basketball or football game.

As far as Auburn next year, if we buy the tickets there won't be any to sell to Auburn fans.
Can you provide proof of this?

The reason I ask is the UGAg/GT is currently slated for FSNS TV coverage so it doesn't give me the appearance of a "money" deal as you're alledging. If it were a "money" deal I would at least hope for national exposure. Our game won't make national TV due to the holiday tournaments going on at the same time.