Anyone hate UGA a little less now?

I feel like I no longer have an inferiority complex with regards to them, and that makes the hate a lot less intense. It used to be that when I saw a G logo, I would get physically angry. Now it just makes me happy.

I am experiencing the same feelings, but I dont think that has made my hate any less intense. In fact, it has only strengthened it. The only difference is that I can actually enjoy my hatred for them.
Nope, I feel the same. It is a lot easier to live with when you have the "bragging rights".
My dad's a UGAY grad. So for me, do I feel less hate for them, F&CK NO! THWG!
I post seldom here, but to answer your question No and Hell no, now maybe more! Those mongrels are still saying we won because of the ref! One of those SEC guys here in H'ville said he wiped his arse with my GT flag. I told him sorry but my GT flag had AIDS on it and now he had AIDS of the arse. I then told him when people found out they would be yelling see we knew he was a homo all the time.
Yes and no. I visited their board and they actually had a nice thread congratulating us on our win. I don't hate those guys at all. The poor losers, however...well, someone else can run the numbers about where they can go.
Screw the nadlickers!

Screw the leghumpers!

Screw the buttsniffers!

TO HELL WITH GEORGIA!!!11!!!!one!!!!1!!!eleven!!!!!

Piss on 'em!
Yes, if by less you mean more and by hate you mean absolutely despise.
Yes, if by less you mean more and by hate you mean absolutely despise.

Kyle, making me question your Tech status again by even posing this question. Maybe when we have won 100 straight, and UGA is woofing at beating LaGrange College in football yearly while going 1-11 (even then -- go LC!), and they are an insignificant speck of football who can only recruit 1* athletes, maybe then my hate might have diminished...nah, check that. My hate will never diminish.