article on why Roof left (LINK)

I believe this sheds light on what most of us already suspected, that there was more to the story.

On this website the posters had fond farewells for TR and wished him well. But on the other site (hive) there was some(a few) negative posts b/c TR was going to a team in our conference and etc.

I felt that this was misplaced when I read it and now the article points out that even though a job was offered CG probably did not want TR here.

TR did what was best him and his family and sought out another opportunity (where he has already coached).

I think some of the shots that is taken at alumni coaches are unfair. If a coach is unsuccessful he has to be replaced (alumni or not). Now in this case it was not that TR was being replaced but his role and $$$ were being diminished. It is normal for ANYONE to seek employment elsewhere when this happens. I think sometimes we lose sight of the fact that this is the source of income for some people. While it is truly special when a GT alumni succeeds in coaching at GT it can also be special when a non-GT alumni has success at GT. Right now we are at a very important point in GT football. We need to at the very least solidify that we are the second best team in the ACC. I want the best coaches in here to do that task.

I believe the article shows that CG needed some of TR's salary to get who he wanted in here. Well that is OK with me, b/c I want CG to have who he wants b/c he will be the one accountable.

My $.02 worth: I think it is very sad. I love the CG hire, and I understand the demotion, but I think if TR was willing to stay you at worst freeze his salary at its current rate, but cutting it was probably the last straw. I can't blame TR for leaving.
I HOPE TR was wise enough to insist on a 2 yr contract rather than the std 1 yr. I HOPE that Duke goes 2 - 9 next year, but the defense plays tough and they end up giving Ted the HC job.
For what its worth, the Scoop says that FL wants to hire Edwards as the LB coach (it doesn't say DC). Who was the DC at FL this past season? Has Zook retained him?

Edwards link
when you ave 31 points a season you shouldn't lose 5 games
glad he's gone!!!!

