Ask For Braine's Resignation Immediately....


Varsity Lurker
Nov 19, 2001
Ask For Braine\'s Resignation Immediately....

That's what the big money people should do. Accepting mediocrity is unamerican. My gosh, I would love to see an engineering professor tell Clough that mediocrity is OK. And as for Clough, he should be told that all programs at GT should be top notch and start doing something about it or hit the road. Thank God Braine wasn't the commanding officier at the Battle of the Bulge, he would have been waving the white flag. I am really fed up!!! I think it is time for the Taz Andersons' to demand excellence on football field as well as in the classroom or lets just shut it down. I thought I would never say that but I cannot stand the thought of battling Duke every year for next to last. I would rather just shut her down, let me have the memories of Dodd, Ross, and O'Leary, and find me another team to pull for. Scratch that, it is time for Clough to go. We need to find somebody that can multitask and do two things at once, win at academics and football. GET CLOUGH AND BRAINE OUT!!!! DON'T SURRENDER TO THESE COMMUNIST!!!
South Georgia Jacket
Re: Ask For Braine\'s Resignation Immediately....

How about this: Find a new AD that feels as strongly about succeeding on the field as Clough does about academics.
I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have....

his hands tied by Clough. We need to loosen up the academic requirements for these athletes who put in a number of hours on the practice field, especially those not majoring in sci, math, or engineering. As much as Clough knows about running an institution of higher learning, I believe he is clueless on what it takes to compete in big time college football. At least Davis over there at UGA gives his AD and coaches a chance to win.
South Georgia Jacket
Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have....

So what exactly does that mean SouthGa?
Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have

Right on brother. Let's be just like U[sic]GA. What school can be our Hargrove academy?

Should we get drool guards so the new players we let in won't mess up other students during class?

Oh, and how should we get around the profs? We'll have to find some way the newbies "make the grades".

I have one word for you. Integrity. Clough has more than anyone I've ever met. Its not going to be sacrificed by letting people into GT that have no shot of graduation. I'm glad you recognize his prowess on the academic side. You can say the standard for athlete admissions is not correct, but what should it be--what data can you bring with you to show it would be different. Not data, but hard numbers.BTW,what Georgia does devalues every one of their degrees.

Didn't U[sic]GA look wonderful when their fans tried to fire their president for football reasons? They looked like ignorant rednecks. Get Clough out? He's one of the best things ever to happen to Tech.
if it meant losing PH Braine could have the AD job

if it meant losing PH Braine could have the AD job for life as far as I am concerned.

You people sure do worry about the AD alot. If the teams are winning I could care less who the AD is.

PH is best coach in the country IMO. Let him be AD if he wants the job. Other than that I just want to keep PH happy.
Re: if it meant losing PH Braine could have the AD

You do understand part of my post was in support of DB don't you?

Jeez, read my post law bee (or one of the many others in which I've defended DB).

I agree with your sentiment completely. PH rocks.
Re: if it meant losing PH Braine could have the AD job

if it meant losing PH Braine could have the AD job for life as far as I am concerned.

[/ QUOTE ]

LB, I immediately feel better about some of your innane football posts. Your passion for Tech sports is squarely centered on the fortunes of the BBall program. Nothing wrong with that by itself, but now I understand why you don't care about Tech making strides past mediocrity in football.

Even though DBraine is an old football guy, his biggest and most outspoken advocate is coach Hewitt. Im sure you realize that if Tech decides to improve its football, a new director with a football priority will be brought in. Personally, I can't wait for that. Mr. Braine's comments about his expectations of football success can't be tolerated. You see that, don't you?

Regarding basketball, why do you think that Paul Hewitt won't be given all the same now from a new guy that seeks excellence in all athletic programs?

Your #1 is basketball
My #1 is football. How would you respond to an AD that publicly stated that the BB fans can't expect a conference championship, and that the NIT tournament is a goal lofty enough?

I hope Coach Hewitt plans on staying after the new AD is in place. Regardless of his post press conference statements yesterday, DB is winding it down here. Because of the comments, his departure may be sooner than thought.
Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have

Where was Clough's integrity when he brought in CMoore? Where was it when he got us put on Lord knows what kind of probation?

Clough has put so many rusty knives in the back of our HC and S/As that there is almost no blood left to flow out.

The scumbag is a disgrace to everything good about GT. He stands for mediocrity and only cares about his pay, how many government organizations he can get appointed to, and how many boards that have nothing to do with GT he can sit on.
Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have

Clough didn't bring in C Moore you moron. She's been at Tech since the 80's. She was a Dean of Students and was generaly considered competent when she was moved to the AA. Obviously, some people thought highly of her since she was a member of ANAK, but quite frankly, I think the woman has been bashed enough on these boards and ought to be left alone. We've hashed that out.

The probation you speak of? Was a CLERICAL error. Lord have mercy if you think that is the problem. Have you ever made such an error? Or do you have a subordinate's subordinate subordinate subordinate who has made such an error?

Please cite a single specific incident of what you are talking about. In detail. You can PM me if you want. Just one specific instance that can stand up to investigation, because I promise you, I have the ability to and I can and will fact check any detailed and specific allegation.

Statements such as "so and so was injured because of so and so" are not enough. "Clough must have done it" via conjecture will not do. For my above statement to apply you must provide a demonstration of direct, intentional, action leading to what you have accused people of. Just because this is a message board don't think you can get away with this crap.

If Clough is so bad, what have you done as an alumnus that demonstrates the wonders of GT? Quite frankly, I think you won't find a finer man and better GT alumnus than Dr. Clough.
Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have

Well, it really is simple. Clough is the CEO, and you just admitted CM was put in the AA under his watch and the probation is has happened on his watch. Fairly simple.

"Moron" Ouch, that cut to the quick.
Re: Ask For Braine\'s Resignation Immediately....

On the subject of "accepting mediocrity": You should be thankful that Stingtalk tolerates mediocre posts from its members.
sorry SBP....

my post should have been a reply to Southga not you. I hit the WRONG reply button.

I did not read your post.
Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have

And placing an employee qualified and considered competent in that position implies a lack of integrity, as you allege? Please explain how.
Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have

Regarding Moore, who was the bitter employee that "turned us in"?

And do you remember Moore's comments in the AJC during flunkgate? She didn't seem like a great Tech employee to me with her comments.
Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have

I have nothing positive to say about Moore after she moved to that position. All I was saying is she was well respected at the time she was moved there. Apparently, such respect was misplaced.

This explains the entire situation.
Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have

Regarding Moore, who was the bitter employee that "turned us in"?

[/ QUOTE ]

I would not be surprised if it was the one time advisor on O'Learys staff that was fired immediately after George left.
He was extremely upset. He also posted on here often during Chan's first year.
Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have

TechSBP, an honest you not think that the "lack of institutional control" for which we are being severely punished by the NCAA ultimately lies at the doorstep of Clough's office? During my son's time at GT - he graduated in 1999 - I was appalled by the administrative inefficiencies that he endured. I don't doubt that the trangressions that the NCAA is punishing us for were inadvertent, but I, too, feel that Clough has always been more concerned with his own political and personal ambitions than with the details of running GT. I am eagerly awaiting his response to the NCAA sanctions that have been imposed on us.
Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have

Thanks for giving us that link, it's very helpful for some of us short memory folk.
Re: if it meant losing PH Braine could have the AD job

When the AD has Tech go on probation while he is in charge then I care about who the AD is. It looks like we need someone that is more in tune with what GT is than Braine has appeared to be. He might be all right picking coaches but there have been to many gaffes/PR boo boos.