Ask For Braine's Resignation Immediately....

Re: I Agree, We Need A Great AD But He Cannot Have

Its been my experience that Tech has improved its administration 100% since 99. I was there and would definitely say things have improved.

I know Dr. Clough has given up far more lucrative opportunities to stay at GT. I've been at 3 universities (the other 2 are ranked higher than GT) now. GT as of my senior year, was by far the easiest to work with in every aspect(except parking). I think problems naturally happen at universities, but I can say---everytime I knew a student to take and issue to Dr. Clough, whenever they had facts to back their argument up, he took action. quite frankly though, people at GT complain about things more than at any other university. GTwig63, If you want more, lets talk over PM
Re: Ask For Braine\'s Resignation Immediately....

The BIG $ Jackets WILL act.
Clough Integrity?? Yep, Under His Watch Our...

football program has really blossomed. All Clough gives a rats hindend about is his image. He is loving every minute of this mess the football program is in. You see, him and his Ivy League buddies get off when the jocks suffer because if the jocks are suffering, that must mean they are standing up academic integrity. He is so pious it makes me want to PUKE!!!
South Georgia Jacket
Re: if it meant losing PH Braine could have the AD

In case you haven't noticed Lawbee, GT is a football school and will remain that way.
Oh I get it now. You want GT to be a basketball school and your other school to be a football school. That way you will have the best of both worlds.
thats a cheap shot. Lawbee is a true Tech fan
