At least Tech is #1 where it's most important...

Not this again.

Way to play into the stereotype!
Georgia Tech could (and should) blow other Ga schools out of the water with a STEM secondary education program. It's a natural fit and would provide the public with more highly qualified teachers. I seriously don't understand why it isn't a thing. At Clemson, a pretty high % of science education majors are former engineering or science majors who are pretty strong on content knowledge compared to your average teacher. Imagine how that would look at Georgia Tech.

Key words there highlighted. I think generally you try to add strong majors if you're trying to become a stronger school. While providing the public with teachers is important, I'm not sure it really fits in with the efforts GT is making to climb the rankings.

Obviously there is nothing wrong with being a teacher (at all), but in general I doubt its attracting the strongest students or producing a lot of people who go on to be important figures in science or business. Law or medicine seems like a better fit.
Imagine law.
Imagine medicine.

It would hurt your sports other than football & basketball. I know that the baseball team relies heavily on the ability to recruit kids from Georgia and use the Hope Scholarship to supplement the 11.7 baseball scholarships they're allowed to give. Same deal for most of the other sports as well.
It would hurt your sports other than football & basketball. I know that the baseball team relies heavily on the ability to recruit kids from Georgia and use the Hope Scholarship to supplement the 11.7 baseball scholarships they're allowed to give. Same deal for most of the other sports as well.

It's not like we are a powerhouse in non-revenue sports.
It would hurt your sports other than football & basketball. I know that the baseball team relies heavily on the ability to recruit kids from Georgia and use the Hope Scholarship to supplement the 11.7 baseball scholarships they're allowed to give. Same deal for most of the other sports as well.

Agreed, needs to remain a state school at least until both of mine finish. :thumb: State scholarships are a big help. Also, the cost of tuition difference in state and private is astronomical! .
Duke beat us in football 2 years in a row and they are smarter and good in basketball.
Duke beat us in football 2 years in a row and they are smarter and good in basketball.

I beg to differ on who is smarter....particularly the athletes. I have a good friend who was a scholarship football player at Duke and is a big-time donor and he tells me that Duke has better majors to hide academically challenged players because of their arts majors.
I beg to differ on who is smarter....particularly the athletes. I have a good friend who was a scholarship football player at Duke and is a big-time donor and he tells me that Duke has better majors to hide academically challenged players because of their arts majors.

We need robot basket weaving.
Whenever people remind me that we're "the Institute", I keep thinking about a mental hospital.
Yes I get it. I graduated from the Institute. Did you?

No, but my son did and 2nd one is working on it. So if your an alum, quit whining and have some pride in your alma mater. You don't have to read the thread if you're not interested in it.
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