At least we aren't Tennessee

The funniest shit, to me, right now, is that it's almost impossible to determine what it means to sign a memorandum of understanding. I mean, come on.
Lol @ Kiffin. He acted like an ass the one year he was there. Then he left them high and dry. Now, he's trolling them just because. Freakin' savage, this guy.

Dang he was only coach for one year? Seemed like a decade.
Honestly the article is pretty much bs.

Tennessee fans aren't using the Penn State stuff as an excuse to reject a mediocre coaching hire. You can't hire a guy with that reputation to be the face of your program and school, regardless of whether it's true or not. The negative recruiting would be extremely. Tennessee fans are not the problem. Currie is. You don't make a hire like that, at the very least in that fashion.

Regardless, Tennessee fans have been screwed. Most admit they shouldn't have fired Fulmer, but the got screwed by Kiffin and then got 2 very terrible coaches after (not even mediocre). Had we had the same coaches, we would have also fired them and expected the next coach to be a better hire. Are the calls for gruden ridiculous? Yes. But I know many Tennessee fans will be fine with cutcliffe, Kelly, tee Martin.
They're all lathered up for the return of Joey Freshwater

I still think there is something wrong here, because it was UT people who were party to the memorandum reneging--it wasn't just the chancellor opposing the hire. It's deceptive. And if they didn't have authority to offer you the job, they were making misrepresentations, unless they said it was contingent on approval of the chancellor.

It's like if you interviewed for a job, and you get a call from the interviewers saying you got the job. HR sends you an offer letter, which you sign and return. You move to California or wherever, and the day before you start the job, you get a call. "Sorry, CEO not cool with you, no job." I don't think that's legal and I don't see why the coaching hire would be different in principle. Maybe the difference is who has authority to hire. But how is an outsider to know who in the hiring organization has the authority to offer a job?