
It seems obvious that many here were not in attendance when we played Navy with about 17,ooo in the GF stands. Appx 17,000. Not a beautiful day but no rain or other problems. Talk about ripping your soul apart.

Thought the Gold out was not to bad. From East looked like everyone in West was in Gold. Do not know why we should not be shrouded in Gold anyway. Vandy folks seemed to be in black, so do not see issue there.

Winning, at least 50/50, with good teams cures attendance problems. Our home schedule this year stinks. 2 smaller schools from state of Ga. Vandy, Duke., va. Really people?

And it will remain this way until some common sense kicks in.

And GT would be better off in every single way if some would stop thinking their fellow citizens are not "dumb asses" compared to a lot of non- Americans. But they just can not seem to help their arrogant, ignorant stupid asses.
The Swarm wasn't even present for the first touchdown. Pretty lame.

Student attendance in general Saturday was putrid. I know, noon-ish game + Music Midtown but student both apathy towards football last few seasons has been a big disappointment.

Expecting a big student crowd this Thursday, though. The Whiteout & big opponent should bring them out.
Not sure what can be done to change the student culture, but punctuality and attendance has been miserable at least a decade. This is not just a GT thing, it's an Atlanta thing imho. Show up late, leave early. Some of these college towns with nothing else going on have a culture where people are expected to be in their seats when the team runs out onto the field. Don't see us being there anytime soon.
Per wikipedia it was 46k from 88-00

So attendance last Saturday for a sleeper game in the ridiculous heat against an uninspiring opponent who never travels well was 91% the pre-expansion total, after a 3-9 season.

I'll take it. Especially on our way to a season guaranteed to have more, probably at least double, the wins we had last year.
Student attendance in general Saturday was putrid. I know, noon-ish game + Music Midtown but student both apathy towards football last few seasons has been a big disappointment.

Expecting a big student crowd this Thursday, though. The Whiteout & big opponent should bring them out.

Things sure have changed. When I was a student (88-92), we loved going to the games (even the years that we were bad). Of course, '90 was a pretty good year.
Things sure have changed. When I was a student (88-92), we loved going to the games (even the years that we were bad). Of course, '90 was a pretty good year.

Same here, even though I was about 20 years later (05-09). 07 was pretty rough but first year with CPJ had solid student attendance.

I wonder how much of an impact the fees for tickets had. IIRC, my last season as a student (08) was the last season the tickets (vouchers) were free. Started charging about $5 per game in 09.
Remind me again what the seating limit of the stadium was prior to renovation?

There were no where near 41k in the stadium at any point on Saturday. That's a ticket's sold number, or more likely just a made up number.

Student attendance in general Saturday was putrid. I know, noon-ish game + Music Midtown but student both apathy towards football last few seasons has been a big disappointment.

Expecting a big student crowd this Thursday, though. The Whiteout & big opponent should bring them out.

MM is certainly not an excuse. I went to the game and to MM. Only a couple of acts played before the game was over.
MM is certainly not an excuse. I went to the game and to MM. Only a couple of acts played before the game was over.

Agree 100%. Just pointing out "excuses" that students would likely use.
Agree 100%. Just pointing out "excuses" that students would likely use.

That's one of the main points. I never missed a single home game during my years as a student. Not one. And that goes for almost every other student I knew. When the school was much smaller we filled the lower East from midfield to the north endzone. And the seats went up under the upper East also. Probably twice as many students attended games in the 1980-90s as they do now. You can use demographics as an excuse, but there are around 35 fraternities on campus that should each be able to put 50 to 100 students in the stands. I don't see that occurring.
I have read numerous posts about color coordination vs butts-in-seats. While I agree that color coordination amongst fans, whether gold, navy, white, purple, pink, is important and would look awesome, after Saturday it's clear the main focus should butts-in-seats. I shattered my ankle a few weeks ago, thus I could not attend, but the cameras had multiple zoom out shots of the stadium on Saturday. Colors looked great, attendance looked piss poor. Yet they continued to do it throughout the game.

As a counter argument, for the games I attended in 2014- as we got better, so did attendance. Not too worried at this point.
Things sure have changed. When I was a student (88-92), we loved going to the games (even the years that we were bad). Of course, '90 was a pretty good year.

You just have poor recollection

I entered in 88-89 too and the attendances were mediocre (except 90 late in year).

For both football and basketball (we had a great team and won the ACC in 90) the fraternities were constantly threatened that they woud lose their seating blocks if they kept showing up late or not at all

By halftime many of the fraternity block seats were empty

If you act like we filled the stands and early every game then its just bad memory on your part

Maybe in 92 it was incredible, i had already graduated by then
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I have read numerous posts about color coordination vs butts-in-seats. While I agree that color coordination amongst fans, whether gold, navy, white, purple, pink, is important and would look awesome, after Saturday it's clear the main focus should butts-in-seats. I shattered my ankle a few weeks ago, thus I could not attend, but the cameras had multiple zoom out shots of the stadium on Saturday. Colors looked great, attendance looked piss poor. Yet they continued to do it throughout the game.

As a counter argument, for the games I attended in 2014- as we got better, so did attendance. Not too worried at this point.

Kicking an uga look-a-like, I can only hope.
It seems obvious that many here were not in attendance when we played Navy with about 17,ooo in the GF stands. Appx 17,000. Not a beautiful day but no rain or other problems. Talk about ripping your soul apart.

Thought the Gold out was not to bad. From East looked like everyone in West was in Gold. Do not know why we should not be shrouded in Gold anyway. Vandy folks seemed to be in black, so do not see issue there.

Winning, at least 50/50, with good teams cures attendance problems. Our home schedule this year stinks. 2 smaller schools from state of Ga. Vandy, Duke., va. Really people?

And it will remain this way until some common sense kicks in.

And GT would be better off in every single way if some would stop thinking their fellow citizens are not "dumb asses" compared to a lot of non- Americans. But they just can not seem to help their arrogant, ignorant stupid asses.

I was there for that with my uncle, dad, and cousin!
Things sure have changed. When I was a student (88-92), we loved going to the games (even the years that we were bad). Of course, '90 was a pretty good year.

That was when I was there and we looked forward to games, always having creative ways to sneak flasks into stadiums, screaming for 3 hours, then staggering back to pass out. It was an awesome time to be a Jacket!
As a teen, I used to head down to GT and get free tix all the time by just walking around wearing Tech gear. Early 80's. If we wanted to see a game, we'd just head down. That was back when you could see Tennessee come to town. Auburn. Alabama in 82? Crap, I am old