AUC article on Georgia State football.

I go to GSU, and this has been something that comes up in every casual conversation about GSU in bars across the city.

I'm excited for State(I'll be long graduated by the time they field a team though). But a state school that size not having a football team always seemed dumb to me.

I think we'll end up sharing a lot of fans at first, IE people will go to GSU home games when Tech is out of town(I hope we schedule games accordingly). But, like someone said, GSU's whole image is changing into a more traditional school(on campus housing) and should be doubling there students in the next few years.
I disagree with those that think a GSU team won't hurt Tech. It will absolutely hurt Tech.

Every Saturday night on the news will be the UGA game story. GSU is only going to take away time from Tech.

Fans have another place to watch football, that will only hurt us in competitive Atlanta.
Grady Stadium would be a good venue until they build a fan base. Heaven help us if we think Georgia State football will be a problem for us, at least for the first ten years of the program.

If they build a good program akin to South Florida then it will be an issue. But, then I say we replace the UGA game with the city championship at the end of every season and let the Dawgs play Ga. Southern.
Almost every Ga State grad I know is a huge UGA fan. What does that mean? I don't know. :hsugh:
The AJC stated that homes games will be in the Georgia Dome....yuk!
Yep, that will put people in the stands. If Atlantans want to see true college football, it will still be played at BDS@HGF. There is a seat for everyone. But its' the quality and experience that also goes along with it....
But we do need to address the music department at Tech because the band will suffer from GSU.