

Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 15, 2001
I noticed that some people have selected the same avatar that others have already selected.

This is something we would like to avoid. We try to respect first come, first serve.

Here is a great link with thousands of avatars.


Once you find an image that you like

1. place your pointer on the pic
2. right click the mouse and click to properties
3. highlight and copy the address(URL)
4. paste that same address in your profile on stingtalk

If you have any question just email me at gtfan@stingtalk.com
some people have commented about someone having the same avatar

the above post has a link with 1000's of avatars with simple directions.

If you notice someone else has the same avatar and you think it is possible they got it first then please choose a different avatar.
I haven't noticed anyone using same one. Hope I haven't. Will sure keep an eye out though.
Well, this is the closest representation I could find on short notice. If someone already uses it, please let me know and I'll find something else.

Question: Is there a way to edit an image to a certain size and use it as your avatar? (I know some boards allow that.) If so, pls. tell me how, or point me to the directions. Thx.
Originally posted by GTTerrific:
I haven't noticed anyone using same one. Hope I haven't. Will sure keep an eye out though.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I beelieve you're safe GTTerrific.
Originally posted by Goldtimer:
Well, this is the closest representation I could find on short notice. If someone already uses it, please let me know and I'll find something else.

Question: Is there a way to edit an image to a certain size and use it as your avatar? (I know some boards allow that.) If so, pls. tell me how, or point me to the directions. Thx.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Is this what you had in mind?


just save it on your web space and then copy its url from the properties and paste it into your avatar space in your profiles

the directions are up above

just email me if you have any questions

Thanks, gtfan. That is what I had in mind, but I want to edit it to the actual WxH pixel dimensions used here, so no resizing is automatically done.
This size is fine if you want to use it:


Basically, we just want to keep the avatars as close to 100x100 or less as possible. It makes for a nice uniform look.
Just name the spec. If it's 100x100, I'll use that. If that's what you created, I'll use that. I noticed those at the link you posted are mostly 116x116, but some are 80Wx125H.

Keep up the good work with the board. It's been almost as active as the Hive of late, and we made need an ad-free haven once the Hive goes commercial.
Urrgh! Looks like the image you prepared for me got squashed vertically. Looks like one needs to start with a square image, or the software will force it to be so. I'll edit my brimmed hat image to 100 x 100 (assuming that's your preference) tonight.
Goldtimer, It only looks squashed in the profile. It will appear normal when you activate it for your posts.
the pic that storm posted was 80h x 107w

that is fine if you want to use it

some of the pics off of freeavatars.net are 116w and that is about as large as we want to go because any bigger and it will start pushing the words over on the posts
Oh, OK. My new image is 108 pixels (1.5 inches) square. That's less than the 116 pixel maximum you specified, so I'll assume it's OK. If not, pls. let me know.
I'm not getting this. I linked the URL to my jpg file. I copied it in the "pictures" space on the profile, but it doesn't show up. I also tried to paste it in the avatar box but nothing happens.
It doesn't go in "Your Picture". Thats for your photo if you want to share it with people.

Look a little below that and you will see "Select Avatar Image". When you click on that, a box will open and you will be able to choose from avatars online, or enter your on URL where your avatar resides.