B1G Realignment

why we are not north/south (with miami in the north) is even more mindboggling now. with 14 teams we dont have to split the carolina schools. with miami in the north, the competitive balance isnt even that ridiculous.

use the big10 model with miami v fsu the only permanent rival and we would have a lot of happy fans.

+10 zillion
Someone on another forum ran some win/loss record type of numbers on the B1G east vs west and they are surprisingly balanced.

But from a program/brand name/fan standpoint no doubt that east side is way more prestigious and flashy. If I was a season ticket holder for an east school I'd be stoked as hell compared to a ticket holder for the west.
At what point did you turn into etc79? Hasn't the gif thing beens his thing for years now?

Yes, that's literally what's happening.

