Yeah but that seemed to be a problem back in my day at Tech too, in the early 90s. It just seems only the frats are interested in American Football while the general student population would rather play D&D, play video games or study. I understand the problem is worse today but that is a widespread problem in all sports. People have just found the comfort of home with HD TV a better game watching experience (and cheaper) than attending a game. Rather than continue to use a dying business model, sports needs to adapt. I find college football game attendance still a better experience than at home due to the pageantry, cheerleaders and the band but attending an NFL game is a tough sell these days, and I'm a big fan. '
I believe the future will need smaller arenas with working high bandwidth Wi-Fi (key word is working), comfortable seating and *affordable* concessions. GT would be great in a modern 30,000 seat arena where every seat felt like club seating. I know it ain't happening but it would be perfect.