Baylor fires Briles

Time to tell this joke again.

What is the difference between a Baptist and a Methodist?

The Methodist will say hello in the liquor store.

Butch Jones would disagree and say it is not a culture problem.
So, how is this situation any different than Jameis Winston and FSU? Does this mean that Jimbo should be fired?

I don't get how the head football coach is to blame for how the school handles allegations of misconduct of football players? Surely it isn't his job?

Yes, he should have been fired. Of course, if he had been fired, I might not have the opportunity to be reliving a blocked kick return as one of my cherished moments as a season ticket holder.
Well at least they got those students out of the kangaroo courts known as University Title IX investigations, amirite!

I just will never understand the thought process of not reporting alleged violent crimes to the police. Never.
I can think of lots of reasons, the primary being the victims lack of credibility.
Anybody know why the victims didn't report these crimes to the police themselves? Cuz they were naive young students or naive young parents of students?
I can think of lots of reasons, the primary being the victims lack of credibility.
Anybody know why the victims didn't report these crimes to the police themselves? Cuz they were naive young students or naive young parents of students?
Many of them did. I'd also suggest the fact that 2 former players are serving time takes the credibility issue off the table.
So why are football coaches meeting with complainants and their families? Shouldn't the police be doing this? Any why aren't the complainants going directly to the police?

This all seems very strange to me.
College towns routinely have police departments that give the coaching staff a heads-up, especially when star players are involved.
So, how is this situation any different than Jameis Winston and FSU?

FSU football boosters are much more powerful than Baylor football boosters.
Baylor SJW Academics are much more powerful than FSU SJW Academics.
Is Kendall still on staff, I wonder? That's all they really need to stay good. Jim can just go do a Dabo thing and bring athletes to the altar of Briles.

One fan wrote of being "devastated" and "physically ill", which seems like an appropriate reaction to the situation until you open the thread and learn that the fan is "devastated" that Baylor fired Briles and "physically ill" that Baylor "caved to the liberal media". A moderator of the forum, who in theory is supposed to be a rational voice, had a thread entitled "I read the report, but don't see why we fired Briles". Another thread says "Scumbags, shut it", and that one is directed at anyone criticizing Briles' character. Perhaps most upsetting is the "Art Briles Tribute Thread". Many of them seem ready to build a statue of the man and are more upset over his firing than the deplorable things that transpired behind the scenes in his program. A sizeable contingent of Baylor fans actually believe that Baylor is the victim in this, not the women who were raped.

Waco PD should certainly be subject to a thorough investigation, while Briles and company should face criminal charges. The question then becomes, who is to bring the charges against them? The answer would seemingly be up the ladder to the Attorney General of Texas, but fittingly, Ken Paxton is not only a Baylor alumnus, but presently under investigation for corruption himself.
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Many of them did. I'd also suggest the fact that 2 former players are serving time takes the credibility issue off the table.
1) if the crimes were reported then it seems a little less reasonable that Briles was fired for not reporting.
2) the fact there were subsequent convictions is hindsight and does not explain away is credibility problem.

Maybe I should read the articles before I say anything else?

Don't get me wrong. My opinion is keep your damn pants on or take the risk she changes her mind.

But I don't think Briles knowingly turned a blind eye to rape.

Ask yourself, if your son worked for you in the family business, and a former girlfriend came up to you and said he raped her... what would you do? Immediately call the police to get him arrested?

No, you'd expect her to do that. And you'd give the boy you love and trust (and make money off of, it must be acknowledged) the benefit of the doubt while things worked themselves out.

I wonder if we've hit any instances of opposing fanbases planting rape stories the week before the big game in an attempt to gets players suspended. I hope not. That would be pretty terrible.
Yeah you really should read some articles before you comment further. You're not making yourself look very good so far.