beej67 said:
Point of order - the board was started after Chan arrived, for the sole purpose of bashing Chan.
Out of order. The people on that board desired the result as read. They were not on the board yet, but joined when it became available, but they were people then and people on the board now.
Beebad initially disliked the fact that Chan was more interested in coaching football than catering to his ilk in a public relations role, and has spiraled out of his mind from there. Others, like Miss Taken Analysis, had their attitudes set in stone by comments of O'Leary-era football players based on their first impressions of Gailey. Others are simple emotional vampires that can suck the life out of any room with their natural negativity.
Their attitudes have hardened so that their opposition is irrational. GT can reel off 30 straight wins, bring in back-to-back national championships, and they will clamor for his head at the first loss. Any loss is due to Chan. Any win is due to someone or something else that succeeded despite Chan. Any win with any bad plays by GT at all is subdivided so that Chan gets no credit.
They are criticized, such as in this post, for their stances. This leads them to dig their heels into the turf even more, and lets roam their persecution complexes, which are myriad.
I should not have to say the following, but my remarks will be mischaracterized if I do not. I do not condemn any criticism of Gailey prima facie. I do not claim Gailey is perfect. I do not denigrate the contributions of everyone other than Gailey in making the program currently successful. I do not think that someone is not a GT fan because they do not like Gailey. Those are all common straw men and red herrings used by those who are irrational in their contempt for our, and I said OUR, head football coach.
I would like to see the Buzzoffers come in out of the cold. Sadly, I expect them to stay in their own little self-created hell of misery and despondency. However, if they do find a way to find joy out GT football again, and if they grasp that our success is a joint effort that starts at the top, I enthusiastically welcome any and all back into the fold.