Beat UGA Illustration #2 (NSFW)

Wreck Em, can you please do something that Beestorm will ban you? Please take one for the team. We cannot afford to lose this game because you were not banned. If you are banned and we still lose, then no harm no foul. But if we do win, well, I'd say we are onto something.
I had a voice tell me if Wreckem goes to the game we will win. Wreckem are ya going to game?
I had a voice tell me if Wreckem goes to the game we will win. Wreckem are ya going to game?

Well, based on GT's record when he attends a game two things may happen.
1.) GT will not only lose the game but in the process of running onto the field the Ramblin Wreck accidentally takes out the entire starting DLine.
2.) After UGA hangs 100+ on us, the score board due to the stress of so many numbers explodes and burns down BDS.
I had a voice tell me if Wreckem goes to the game we will win. Wreckem are ya going to game?
Let's go to the Twitter feed! Stand by.


The kid barraged the official Tech football Twitter account begging them to forfeit the Georgia game, telling them we're the worst team in the history of sports and offering to sell his ticket. These tweets surround others bragging about drug abuse and self-mutilation.

I feel like I just looked at a xanga from 2004 but with Tech football instead of Linkin Park.
Wreck Em, can you please do something that Beestorm will ban you? Please take one for the team. We cannot afford to lose this game because you were not banned. If you are banned and we still lose, then no harm no foul. But if we do win, well, I'd say we are onto something.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Wreck Em, can you please do something that Beestorm will ban you? Please take one for the team. We cannot afford to lose this game because you were not banned. If you are banned and we still lose, then no harm no foul. But if we do win, well, I'd say we are onto something.

This please!
Again, cellphone capture since my scanner is still on the fritz. Well, I tried anyway xD. Hopefully I can scan at the library tomorrow.


Bravo good sir.

Munson looks to healthy. He should look more decrepit.
you could make Munson look like a zombie and put Richt there too, with a "Walking Dead" theme
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She wasn't when I talked to you on Monday and you said you hated her so much you might do something bad.

Oh god... What did you do?

:lol: ST is great entertainment when you don't feel like working at work!