Beau Hankins


Varsity Lurker
Aug 28, 2014
LB Beau Hankins leaves the team according to his Twitter and Facebook.

As far as I know he was a one of those super positive guys on the team.

Is this a bad sign in regards to the current team atmosphere?

As much as I like CPJ, he never did seem to have any sort of ability what so ever in raising the morale of the team or inspiring them with encouragement. Could he be being too hard on the team?
Do we know why? He might have a family or medical issue or something. I don't think it's fair to anyone to assume he's rage-quitting.
Wasn't there already a thread on this? I never considered ST a place where threads would get nuked.

Seems like Mr. Hankins will be fine in life but I hope this isn't tip of the iceberg stuff.
You're right. We do not know the reason and thus it is unfair to jump to any conclusions.
Someone got butt hurt because I made a sarcastic inb4 quitter comment and they took it seriously like anyone takes comments on a message board seriously. Anyways, the thread was nuked. It is what it is.
Helmets on, folks. The sky is falling.

edit: Disregard, pissing into the wind again.
Someone got butt hurt because I made a sarcastic inb4 quitter comment and they took it seriously like anyone takes comments on a message board seriously. Anyways, the thread was nuked. So stupid.

Looks like you're looking for a ban on top getting another thread nuked.
Lol, I could not care less if I got banned from an Internet message board. Because I post every two minutes and my social life consists of this board completely. I don't know how I would cope.

This board has turned into akinji and Coit talking about banning everyone who has anything contrary to rainbows and sunshine and [OOPS!]. Board is stale and old.
Helmets on, folks. The sky is falling.

edit: Disregard, pissing into the wind again.

I personally don't think the sky is falling just yet.

I do wonder though if this team still has the same atmosphere as last years team. It seemed like the AB and WRs in particular meshed really well with JT and we're always positive and had a bit of the "never give up, never surrender" attitude particularly AB Perkins

The question is did we lose that with or skilled players? Or is this team doing a little identity searching and going to come back stronger for it?
Lol, I could not care less if I got banned from an Internet message board. Because I post every two minutes and my social life consists of this board completely. I don't know how I would cope.

I don't know how you would cope but when people take acting like an immature idiot to a whole new level they usually don't have a place among us.
I don't know how you would cope but when people take acting like an immature idiot to a whole new level they usually don't have a place among us.

Then ööööing ban me. Zero öööös will be given. But this board seriously has turned into the same memes, jokes and lame attacks on others. The way you and Coit carry on with GTmom is about as mature as it gets. It's stupid and adolescent.
Then ööööing ban me. Zero öööös will be given. But this board seriously has turned into the same memes, jokes and lame attacks on others. The way you and Coit carry on with GTmom is about as mature as it gets. It's stupid and adolescent.

No instead I should bitch and whine every time and start butthurt threads left and right and then call some kid I don't even know a quitter for quitting the team even though I've never played anything competitive myself. You're a tool.
I personally don't think the sky is falling just yet.

I do wonder though if this team still has the same atmosphere as last years team. It seemed like the AB and WRs in particular meshed really well with JT and we're always positive and had a bit of the "never give up, never surrender" attitude particularly AB Perkins

The question is did we lose that with or skilled players? Or is this team doing a little identity searching and going to come back stronger for it?
As much hope as we can find in comparisons to previous seasons, it's always tricky and basically pointless. Every season when we'd drop two games early I would remind myself of the 2000 campaign. I finally stopped doing that last year, lo and behold we run the table after the second loss and finish with a win over Georgia.

We've got some talent, we've got some problems, we've got good coaches, we've got some that maybe aren't so good.

I really don't want to spend this year in particular getting too amped up or too disappointed so now the 2015 season takes place once a week for me. 2-2 = 0-0