True, BS, but in actual fact theres no comparison between our expectations here at TECH and those at Vandy. Vanderbilt sporting events are largely social calendar items and there are few "diehard"
Vandy fanatics. However, don't underestimate the Vanderbilt community. It is VERY monied and one of the top corporations/employers in the state of Tennessee and if it weren't for their extremely high ethics they would be in a position to buy a couple of SEC championships. My point being - they are a different sort, very different, but never quit. Quit is not in the vocabulary at Vanderbilt. Unfortunately for them thats not all it takes to compete in the SEC/NCAA. Their new coach, Bobby Johnson, is very coherent and his tenure at Furman was no fluke. I fully expect TECH to open a can on Vandy but don't take them lightly. They have nothng to lose and everything to gain. If there is any question among the faithful, I guarantee you they expect to win.