Being Vanderbilt


Dec 28, 2001
Fellow Bees, I was just over at the Vandy board, and we really ought to bow our heads in thanks that fate did not make us fans of the Commodores.
It's pretty sad.
True, BS, but in actual fact theres no comparison between our expectations here at TECH and those at Vandy. Vanderbilt sporting events are largely social calendar items and there are few "diehard"
Vandy fanatics. However, don't underestimate the Vanderbilt community. It is VERY monied and one of the top corporations/employers in the state of Tennessee and if it weren't for their extremely high ethics they would be in a position to buy a couple of SEC championships. My point being - they are a different sort, very different, but never quit. Quit is not in the vocabulary at Vanderbilt. Unfortunately for them thats not all it takes to compete in the SEC/NCAA. Their new coach, Bobby Johnson, is very coherent and his tenure at Furman was no fluke. I fully expect TECH to open a can on Vandy but don't take them lightly. They have nothng to lose and everything to gain. If there is any question among the faithful, I guarantee you they expect to win.
I like Vandy. I feel sorry for their football team though. They don't have enough leeway in their recruiting to compete.
I root for Vandy against all foes except Tech and Bama.

I wish they would have another season like 1982 and I think that they hired a terrific coach (even though I liked Widenhoffer).
Good thread. I agree with most, especially GTT that we CANNOT take Vandy lightly. They are a competitive bunch with nothing to lose and everything to gain. They CAN and WILL beat us if we're not careful. Check recent scores against Auburn, UGA, etc. They are tough.

As far as academics and ethics go, they are practically in a league all their own. EVERYbody I know that graduated from Vandy is top notch. That is one fine school that southerners all over can take GREAT pride in!!

I can recollect Duke as a football power, and for sure "on any given day..."
I guess what depressed me on the Vandy board was people pulling for Bama to beat MTSU. It was so counter to the spirit of rooting for the underdog. I'm sure pulling for whoever Ugag's patsy is this year. And for that string of OOCs that NCSU scheduled.
I don't think you ever really WANT to play Vandy. They are such a dangerous team. They don't beat many teams but they've been known to beat some teams that they shouldn't have, and they scared the crap out of other teams. I'm gone tell ya'll, we've got a new coach and a new QB. We might have some trouble. Thankfully, Vandy will be in the situation which means we win on talent, but we'd better hold onto our hats, it's going to be close.
Hey Belly, I know where you are coming from reading their board. Have been reading it for over a month now.
Honestly I don't think it will be that close.

Vandy finished DEAD LAST is pass defense last year and wasn't much better against the run. They lost Zolman and had na anemic running game.

They are in much the same situation as us on offense but with less talent to work with.

They may keep it close in the first half but I fully expect Tech to win by 17+ points.
Vandy is an outstanding school, our academic peer possibly, but I remember hearing Coach Dodd quoted one time as saying that 'Tech had a bad habit of reading its press clippings when it was supposed to have a good year and result was a loss to someone they should have beaten handily'. My quote may not be verbatim but recent history,even in spite of coaching woes, gives one pause to think. BTW, has anyone heard anything about McWhorter since he went to Texas? If you really want to speculate, thaink about what the future might have in store had he gotten the coaching job! He seemed to be a class act who got the kids to thrash a 'Sears Cup' winner.
Guys I remember back in the Dodd days we played Vandy when we were having one heck of season and we got by Vandy by one points so lets not put this in the W column yet.

No offense Old Foggy but Vandy actually had some realy good football teams back then. Making it to the NFL was not such a high priority and actually getting a good education was.

At one point Vandy had a series edge over Tech.

Again that is in the past. Based on their defensive numbers from last year, as well as them being in the same boat as us (to a much larger degree) on offense I think we come out in the second half and wear these poor lads out.
No offense taken BeesN. I have seen games that were in the bag only to see us in the L co,umn and I do like your thread.

Hi tech, fans, just stopped by to say hello. I agree, you all will probably beat us (hopefully we keep it close), but be careful, cuz we gave a couple of teams (bama, auburn) some real scares last year. Also, check out our recruiting class
this year, you will find it is so far a very respectable bunch. And I like what gnats67 said. Thanks for letting me stop by.
I like Vandy a lot. Feel under the circumstances there sports are excellent! ahhhh there is another Duke basher.

Duke has been on the L collum in recent years in football. That's one heck of a good school though. They kick our butt (like most schools in the ACC) when it comes to the Sears Cup, combining all sport. Duke is tops. We are last.

Duke is capable of beating us in football too on a given day. Don't kid yourself. They've played us some great games. Eventhough they've lost they've been very competative on the field. Duke is sinking a lot of money in their football program. They've made a commitment to football more than people give them credit.

People on message boards, this one and the hive, act like Duke is an embarresment or something to the ACC. That's realy sad people think that way. I read the crap about let's kick them out. That's so pompus and ugly. I wish we did things half as good as them sometimes. Again, don't think Duke isn't capable of beating us on a given day.

Ok now back to Vandy. They are not fired up about having a great team this year like a lot of schools. That's obvious. They're another team that is capable of beating us. Fans today think is all you have to do is have your team show up and that's a W. That's the way I read attitudes anyway. Well it's just not true. We're not good enough to beat anyone by just showing up!

Have to play the game ladies and gents. That's what makes this such a great sport.