best of luck

GT owns Clemson in Atlanta. I think the Jackets have an excellent chance of keeping the winning streak alive, especially since they've improved from week to week. The D will have to step it up a notch and the O has to stop the silly mistakes.
Clemson's longest play of the season is 35 yards, I believe. JT took care of that on the first play last Saturday
Clempson's combined record vs GT and UGA in the state of Ga (Atl, Ath, Aug)

Let me drop this right here , I'm out , your team sucks and ill be back to talk all the junk you want after the curb stomping we give yall.
They let you use the laptops to post at Big Lots in Spartanburg? How's your stepdad?

I guess you went to ware shoals high school. Probably born in greenwood in 91. Married with kids. Likes to wear your wife's pjs.
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