Bowls, CFP, and other Disappointing Games Thread

Targeting a defenseless player in football is when a player makes forcible contact with an opponent who is vulnerable to injury due to their position or concentration. The targeting rule prohibits players from:
  • Making contact with the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent with their helmet, forearm, hand, fist, elbow, or shoulder

What say you, armchair refs?
Targeting a defenseless player in football is when a player makes forcible contact with an opponent who is vulnerable to injury due to their position or concentration. The targeting rule prohibits players from:

  • Making contact with the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent with their helmet, forearm, hand, fist, elbow, or shoulder
Yep. Maybe the referees need to start reading the ööööing rulebook. UGAg was gifted the GT game on the same bad call.
ASU getting screwed by the no call on an obvious targeting bailed out by a bad kicker x2.
If I didn't know any better, Id think that Tx took a payoff to wait until the 4th Qtr to screw the pooch. They look completely inept.
ASU getting screwed by the no call on an obvious targeting bailed out by a bad kicker x2.
My gurl said: kicker gf attending ASU and threatening him with no vagina for a year lolllllllllll obviously a joke but i am dead
Complete opposite of what Matt Austin and Palmer were saying that it was quite obvious targeting.
People need to just learn the damn rules and stop with the "no crown of the helmet" BS.

This game is far more entertaining than i expected it to be…
Sark gonna take Auburn and ditch him on Auburn Avenue around 2 AM tonight and tell him, "Good luck getting home, Goldilocks!"