Bradley Clueless


Dec 28, 2001
This sentence from MB's column shows that all of us on StinGTalk, no matter how big our disagreements about Chan or anything else may be, know FAR more about GT football than Bradley ever dreamed of knowing:

"To recap: A.J. Suggs started every game at quarterback last season, the majority of which Tech won, but was subsequently deemed inessential."

Did he see our games last year? Is that too much to ask of the hometown sports columnist? Of course, it wouldn't matter whether he saw them or not, the sentence is just too perfect in its false irony for a hack to pass up.

And you guys who are screeching, "Bradley's right! Bradley's right!" are the same ones who pissed and moaned that CG wouldn't alter his QB strategy last year, and hand the job to DBo. So bold moves suck if you didn't think of them first?