Braine infuriates prominent alum

I would be very surprised and disappointed to think that Drew wuld be against the dark navy blue numerals. I grew up in the fifties and sixties, which were the glory years, and we always had black numerals. That will always be GT's real uniform to me, and with Drew being involved in that era, I believe he would say that was our traditional uniform. Thank goodness, we have something very close to thse uniforms this year. I too have a big gripe with baseball, basketball, volleyball, and especially track for their continuing to use blue as a primary color. I was on the track team in the sixties and, thank goodness, we wore WHITE and GOLD!
I've always been impressed with Mr. Hearn's love for Tech. But I think he would have a cow if he saw the 1946 Ga.Tech-Ga game I have on tape in which Coach Dodd had Tech in Navy Jersey's and a Navy Helmet...My dad Former Tech QB Jimmy Southard wore NAVY Blue jersey's under coach Dodd from 1946-49...Many Thanks, John Southard
Assuming this is true as described - seems to me regardless of the topic Braine is playing a very high stakes poker game to piss off someone like Hern and to make a statement like "if you are there Mr. Braine will not be there". That is over the top regardless of his feelings about anyone. I go to work daily with folks I don't care for - he certainly should show up regardless of his feelings about any specific person attending.

Additionally, I am confused how this supposedly came to a head 48 hours before the event. THis is the kind of issue you resolve months ahead of time, not 2 days before the event. Seems strange.

Braine has done many signficant beneficial things for GT and still has my support (for whatever that is worth). I am, however, concerned about the 2 aspects of this I listed above - assuming the jist of the story is correct.
Originally posted by GT 33:
I've always been impressed with Mr. Hearn's love for Tech. But I think he would have a cow if he saw the 1946 Ga.Tech-Ga game I have on tape in which Coach Dodd had Tech in Navy Jersey's and a Navy Helmet...My dad Former Tech QB Jimmy Southard wore NAVY Blue jersey's under coach Dodd from 1946-49...Many Thanks, John Southard
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Thank you, 33. I think this one should be copied and re-read very slowly once a week. There's no conspiracy to change Tech's colors. Navy has been in the mix since before most of us had upgraded our box of crayolas.
Originally posted by refrigeratormover:
Spoke with some of my contacts, and find that our athletic director continues to alienate loyal fans, and one in particular. I had heard that Drew Hearn was going to speak last night at the Kick-off Celebration about the traditions of Georgia Tech, but our athletic director had someone contact Mr. Hearn and inform him that if he spoke on "Gold and White" that the GTAA would no longer support the event. For those who do not know, Mr. Hearn is the first Life-time member of the AT fund, and has supported the program for almost 50 years. Mr. Hearn was told by the organizing committee that he would be allowed to speak based on his commitments seeing that the event was successful. He has given so much to the institute, that there isn't enough paper to print all that he has done. Based on all that I know, I guess that it is par for the course of the Braine regime to continue to treat stakeholders like S**t. I am all pumped for the football season, but our athletic director continues to embarass and alienate alumni and fans. Mr. Hearn took the "high-ground" and did not attend, and followed through with his financial commitment to the event. It is a shame that the organizers could not follow through with their commitment and allow Mr. Hearn to speak. This AD is hurting us and is a total embarrassment to the institution. I have personally known Mr. Hearn for twenty years, know the man loves Ga. Tech. It makes me wonder how the athletic director would react if I did not agree with him. Would he have one of his peons call and express his displeasure, or would he face me like a man? I think you see where the "real problem" is located.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">
That's amazing. You'd think he'd have started to get the picture by now. This man does not know how to communicate with the alumni AT ALL!
Sounds like Mr. Hearn was nuked by braine... Interesting in that usually money talks & BS walks... This time money walked & BS talked...
Not looking good for da Braine from my outpost. Thing of it is, a change could only do us good at this point. Wonder if UNC is hiring?
Originally posted by BeeBad:
Sounds like Mr. Hearn was nuked by braine... Interesting in that usually money talks & BS walks... This time money walked & BS talked...
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">That might be the funniest and most accurate thing you've ever stated on this message board.
First, John, I appreciate you. I remember watching your teams with Coach Curry. You are a great Tech guy. I really don't wish to pick an argument here with you.

However, you need to know there is a lot more to this issue than meets the eye.

To begin with, Drew Hearn has given a lot more money to Tech athletics than most. He does love Tech; and many people there still appreciate him- BUT, I have to agree with what Dave Braine (apparently) did in this case (if he even really did it).

Drew started his crusade a few years back to make sure Tech sports only wear white and gold. When I first heard about it, it sounded good to me. I am a purist, myself. He came around to all the boards at Tech and made a more-or-less reasonable case. Basically, he said that if our official colors are white and gold (and no others), then we should not be able to use other colors until we changed the official position to add the third.

Many of the sports complained. Particularly, the swimmers felt that white or gold uniforms were a bad idea because they become see-through when they are wet. The high-profile coaches were publicly politically correct about the matter; but privately a few were concerned that it might actually hurt recruiting. Their basic thought was that they want to make a good impression to potential future recruits on television and in person- and players generally felt that uniforms looked better incorporating dark colors.

In the various boards, to varying degrees we endorsed Drew's position- and, as a result, Dave Braine created a committee of alumni to explore just what the official colors are. What they discovered was that all the way back to the early days (1890s?), blue had been used as an official color for uniforms, etc.: it was as official as white and gold. Therefore, they made a public statement that blue could be used in uniforms and official materials. It seemed like the fans I know were happy.

As far as I can tell, the only person who is unhappy about all this is Drew. From my position, I still appreciate the guy in some ways; but I can tell you that many of the biggest donors (some who give more money to the school than Drew) now roll their eyes every time they hear his name. Others who work at the school or the AA, although they still like him, think he is being a pain in the arse about this. I wasn't privy to the specific decision regarding the kickoff dinner; but my feeling is that he is flogging the carcass of a horse that died years ago and couldn't get admitted to the glue factory.

John, since you are so tight with Drew, please respectfully ask him to let this matter go. Ask him to pick another cause. This crusade is not going to help anyone.

I know of a certain former football coach who (I believe) is quietly lobbying for Dave's job behind the scenes. There are a few powerful alumni that are attacking Dave; and they are all close friends with that former football coach. I myself love that Coach; and I know he bleeds gold; but someone needs to tell him that he could never get the job. If you are aware of any of what I am talking about, please ask him to back off. Next time I see him, I will do the same.

John, I can see that you want to help Drew. It is also obvious that you are unhappy about Dave. I may have a little more to say about Dave in another post; but for now, I hope you can at least investigate this matter a little further for yourself. If you do, you will find that perhaps it was best for Drew not to speak.

Perhaps you could converse with Dave yourself. In my conversations with him, he is always candid and straightforward. I don't generally insult him; but when I criticize him with concerns over decisions he has made, I always leave with a better and more informed understanding of what happened. I think if you will go in with an open mind, you may find that Dave is actually a pretty good guy; and that he is working hard to help Tech. Later, I may make a case that his bottom line results are better than you may think. In the meantime, it might not hurt for you to give him another chance.

Anyway, thanks again for what you have given to Tech. I hope you receive this post with the respect with which it was intended.


that was a great post I won't argue a thing you say.

You have lost sight of the "little man" though. John has only validated what many of us had known for a while.

The great thing about being a "nobody" is that we can push buttons without consequences. I don't get my voice heard, and i can adjust my giving so that I don't actually lose my place in line.

John has a mesage. Many hear it, and many of them are the future of GTAA. "Coach" can choose to ignore it. "Coach" has obviously chosen to ignore a problem. You can argue the semantics of what Mr. Hearn's message is. It is a waste of time. We know what the real problem is. I drew a line in the sand, Mr. Hearn has drawn his, and other will do the same.

It is a shame that "Coach" Braine is trying to undermine that swelling support that is helping to improve our program.
Blue is an official school color. If Mr. Hearn was going to step up and bash that fact and denegrade the leadership for embracing that fact I wouldn't have let him speak either. I'm certain you won't find a more dedicated supporter than Mr. Hearn but I believe it's time for him to get off the whole "pure" gold and white platform. If Mr. Hearn was going to talk about tradition and that speech included school colors, then he would have been obligated to mention that Blue was and still is a Georgia Tech color.
It is obvious that blue has been incorporated for years, but it was not an official school color. The committee which you speak was appointed by "C"DB, so logic would lead one to believe that they would vote in a manner with their boss. Yes blue was a "class" color of 1892, but the official school colors are Old Gold and White. To add Blue as an official color is the typical revisionist point of view. Find some obscure document, and base your case on one small fact. Did you know the "class" colors of 1901 were purple and white, 1904 were orange and blue, and 1905 had crimson and white, as well as, green and black? I have a copy of the document Mr. Hearn sent out regarding the colors, and he simply states that he doesn't care what the colors are, as long as the alumni and students vote to change them, not some alum from UNC. Just my view once I had seen the information from both sides of the aisle.
I think everyone is appreciative and respectful of what Mr. Hearn has given to GT, even beyond the dollars. But I am also mindful that he spearheaded the movement to get a "Tech Man" to replace Carson, which I think was the wrong reason to replace Carson. Also wonder if people remember that it was BC who really got GT into the Blue mode? I guess that puts him and Mr. Hearn somewhat at odds. Look folks, we need a trim color. I think all our teams should use the same trim color. It appears that color is blue. For crying out loud ugag wears a WHITE jersey almost half the time and those fruitcakes don't complain!!!! Thanks Mr. Hearn, we appreciate you reminding us about how proud we should bee, and are, of the White & Gold, but there are bigger battles to be engaged than this.
And oh yeah, clough the clown did not accept DB's resignation. And it was clough who threw our S/A's out with the dishwater after NOT giving them the academic support they were promised.
To Driver8 post way back up the page...
No, the Bobcats won't be running the bone under Coach Stowe. And I am sooooooo glad. He will install a more balanced run and pass offense thank goodness. Under the former coach and bone offense, we were at such a disadvantage because everybody defense knew how to defend us. We maybe threw the ball 2 or 3 times a game. I think the team this year, although young, will surprise alot of folks. Where are you from?

That was one of the finest posts I have read on any board. You are clearly well versed at written (and most certainly verbal ) communication. However, I (and every Tech fan I know) believe DB subscribes to a myopic managerial philosophy. The sky began to fall only 1.5 years after the departure of GO. Coincidence? I think not. He goes fishing while the pride of our football team was receiving their pink slips. A leader with integrity? I do not think so. He has alienated a large number of Tech fans. There is no positve spin for that fact. Please reconsider yuor support for him.
My only comments on this issue:

1. my biggest concern is with the won lost record,

2. my preference is white jerseys, white helmet, and gold pants.

3. I hope we never wear purple.

Father Time
If all this color controversy crap is indeed the ISSUE between this big time donating alumnus and our Athletic Department or more notably Dave Braine, then I just got to say "What the öööö is going on???"

If our own alumni, especially the ones who give tons of money to GT, cannot help in identifying the REAL problems going on in the GTAA, and help address those problems, how in the hell are we ever going to get the GTAA to correct them?

I guess if I was rich I could afford to waddle in the stupidity myself.