First, John, I appreciate you. I remember watching your teams with Coach Curry. You are a great Tech guy. I really don't wish to pick an argument here with you.
However, you need to know there is a lot more to this issue than meets the eye.
To begin with, Drew Hearn has given a lot more money to Tech athletics than most. He does love Tech; and many people there still appreciate him- BUT, I have to agree with what Dave Braine (apparently) did in this case (if he even really did it).
Drew started his crusade a few years back to make sure Tech sports only wear white and gold. When I first heard about it, it sounded good to me. I am a purist, myself. He came around to all the boards at Tech and made a more-or-less reasonable case. Basically, he said that if our official colors are white and gold (and no others), then we should not be able to use other colors until we changed the official position to add the third.
Many of the sports complained. Particularly, the swimmers felt that white or gold uniforms were a bad idea because they become see-through when they are wet. The high-profile coaches were publicly politically correct about the matter; but privately a few were concerned that it might actually hurt recruiting. Their basic thought was that they want to make a good impression to potential future recruits on television and in person- and players generally felt that uniforms looked better incorporating dark colors.
In the various boards, to varying degrees we endorsed Drew's position- and, as a result, Dave Braine created a committee of alumni to explore just what the official colors are. What they discovered was that all the way back to the early days (1890s?), blue had been used as an official color for uniforms, etc.: it was as official as white and gold. Therefore, they made a public statement that blue could be used in uniforms and official materials. It seemed like the fans I know were happy.
As far as I can tell, the only person who is unhappy about all this is Drew. From my position, I still appreciate the guy in some ways; but I can tell you that many of the biggest donors (some who give more money to the school than Drew) now roll their eyes every time they hear his name. Others who work at the school or the AA, although they still like him, think he is being a pain in the arse about this. I wasn't privy to the specific decision regarding the kickoff dinner; but my feeling is that he is flogging the carcass of a horse that died years ago and couldn't get admitted to the glue factory.
John, since you are so tight with Drew, please respectfully ask him to let this matter go. Ask him to pick another cause. This crusade is not going to help anyone.
I know of a certain former football coach who (I believe) is quietly lobbying for Dave's job behind the scenes. There are a few powerful alumni that are attacking Dave; and they are all close friends with that former football coach. I myself love that Coach; and I know he bleeds gold; but someone needs to tell him that he could never get the job. If you are aware of any of what I am talking about, please ask him to back off. Next time I see him, I will do the same.
John, I can see that you want to help Drew. It is also obvious that you are unhappy about Dave. I may have a little more to say about Dave in another post; but for now, I hope you can at least investigate this matter a little further for yourself. If you do, you will find that perhaps it was best for Drew not to speak.
Perhaps you could converse with Dave yourself. In my conversations with him, he is always candid and straightforward. I don't generally insult him; but when I criticize him with concerns over decisions he has made, I always leave with a better and more informed understanding of what happened. I think if you will go in with an open mind, you may find that Dave is actually a pretty good guy; and that he is working hard to help Tech. Later, I may make a case that his bottom line results are better than you may think. In the meantime, it might not hurt for you to give him another chance.
Anyway, thanks again for what you have given to Tech. I hope you receive this post with the respect with which it was intended.