
It is my huge petpeeve to see words on public signs misspelled. I know when people write or post messages they misspell and thats ok, but if you are going to display something in front of 50,000 people and english is not your native language, or it's your native language and you have failed to master it in the 20+ years you have been alive, GET SOMEONE TO PROOFREAD IT.

It took the whole first quarter for someone to point out that there is an "E" missing in RPLAY.
They never did get BUZZVISION spelled right. So the word BUZZVISON was on display the whole game.
Little things like that kill me, too, about Tech football. Who noticed how they tried to get by with one can of yellow spray paint on the football field. You could actually see the spray lines with grass peeking through between them.
What about the horrible see-thru pants(?) the flag corps girls were wearing? One poor girl, who was very overweight, had failed to cut the tag off of hers. It dangled off her butt the entire half-time. She never knew. Why couldn't someone tell her about this before she got on the field? It had to have been seen by several people in the band earlier. I guess everyone was trying to not look at those hideous pants. Who ordered those things anyway?
And my final rant, who was sent from the AA with a pickup truck to Home Depot this summer to get a load of white sliding glass doors off the clearance aisle? Someone did, because that's what is on the fronts of the East Stands Luxury Boxes. The West and South Boxes have very nice black framed, tinted glass panels. These W. and S. windows match, with the surrounding gray concrete also matching. Not the case in the East. These glass patio doors, are white with the surrounding wall painted white also. Why? Because NO ONE ever sweats the details at Georgia Tech AA!!!! Because it was left up to someone who was just counting beans or just didn't care.
As Ludlow Porch would say..."It's the ant bites that will eventually kill ya."