Bye Week Fun Facts

Miami is a small private school, with an acceptance rate nearly double GT, a large public school.
Uber is a safe way to get back to your dorm after an exciting game at Sanford Stadium.

JJ Green has been practicing and Coach Johnson expects to have all the OL back for Miami.
Calvin Johnson's original nickname, "The Truth."
Charlottesville has the highest per capita sales of khaki pants, tiki torches, and Zima.
Clemson and Auburn share a lot of similarities. For one, they both suck.
Notre Dame famously has a sign which all players touch for inspiration that says "Play like a champion today".

The University of Miami has a lesser known sign, but one that has an equal meaning to it's players, that says "Eat a bag of dicks".
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Not one time in recorded history, including the verbal tradition of Native American, has anyone honestly said "I'd rather be in Pittsburgh".
The night before every home game, Dabo goes on a 5 mile run then rubs his sweaty ballsack all over Howard's rock because deep down, he's an ass.
If you placed every football ever used in a college football game end to end, the resulting line of footballs would stretch a real long way.
The average (who am I kidding? They are all average) UGAg graduate realizes 1.5 days after graduation that they made a serious mistake with their choice of education. SEC!