As said, CPJ primarily alluded to running backs. We have J.J. Green getting his eligibility, and we have Cottrell - our most game ready A-Back according to CPJ - returning next year. Coach also said that Lynn Griffin's natural position is running back, and he is glad that Griffin made the move.
We also will have Marshall, Allen, Leggett, Weimerskirch, Searcy, Lynch, and MLD coming back next year. Folks like Taquon Marshall will probably not get touches next year.
All together, we will likely have 3 in rotation at B-Back and 6 in rotation at A-Back barring any injuries, and a few of those that played this year won't play next year.
Coach seemed to be happy with both, and they seem like they will play. He wasn't happy with Marcus Marshall's abilities when he isn't carrying the ball. Sounds like he needs to work on blocking.
PJ said COTRELL was most game-ready Aback? WOW-a true FR! almost hard to believe--it will be interesting to see if next yr he really is starting