Calvin Johnson (Per info. on the Hive)

What is the goal of this post....

All everyone is saying is why recruits should go to Ole Miss, Climpson, Auburn, Florida, or FSU instead of UGa. How about instead talking about why they should go to GT instead of UGa. They seem to have owned in state recruiting for some time and this state is teeming with talent.

Climpson girls are not as hot as UGa girls.

If you don't have fun in Athens you must be dead.
Sfalco...I dont know how old you are and obviously you like uga and i mlike GT..BUT:

Ive lived in Ga. for a long time and can tell you flat out..UNTIL Vince the prince got Hershell....uga was another ole Miss winning on avg.7 games a year and in a lucky year maybe 8 or 9...

As to your National jacketsrule pointed out it was way back in 1980...Some 24 years ago when NONE of todays High school recruits were alive...

The points Jacketsrule made were valid....GT fans should NOT keep giving ugag more credit and buying into (An obviuos local media bias, all of which went to uga) the LOCAL hype that we always hear...GT is more of a recruiting name outside of the state of Georgia than ugag....For way too long some GT fans have bought into this LOCAL hype....

Another point: 1 sec championship (in an sec MINUS Spurrier) cant compete (AGAIN outside of this state) with an FSU,Miami, or other NATIONAL powers.....

Now im trying to be nice about it and IF you are resaonable you would see this...This is WHY a lot of people DESPISE uga fans so much...There are a lot of DELUSIONAL uga fans....That is as nice as i can put it...You do seem to be a nice guy BUT somewhat delusional.....
Is that what the NCAA cass self reporting sfalco?


Truth hurts doesn't it.

No. actually the truth feels pretty good.

You think you're cosmopolitan because you went to spring break and your trailer park has two families from Alabama.

Where have you lived that makes you qualified to describe the posts above as 99% BS?

I lived in Athens for years and now I live inside the perimeter (I-285). Now that I have a family and a career, I prefer Atlanta. But If I had the chance to go back and experience college life again I's choose Athens in a heartbeat over Atlanta.

Nevertheless, I am not a college FB recruit.

Everywhere I have lived, the above assessments are spot on. UGA might be building a reputation in Georgia as a good school, but it is not perceived that way more than one state over.

Your opinion is noted.

"You're the only person I know who could get alzheimers and end up smarter!" GTCrew to sfalco, Nov 2003.

Sorry. I don't remember when we actually met. How do we know each other?
Originally posted by GTCrew:
BOR, did you continue to go to Athens to meet chicks when you graduated? Most Tech men find Atlanta to be a much better 'hunting ground' once they have the finances to buy beer by the bottle instead of chipping in for the keg.

Sure you had fun in Athens as a student, but was it more fun than the years after you graduated were?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">This is one of the best followups ive read on this board...It sums it up for me...back in the late 70's i had some fun on the weekends in Athens BUT as i grew older and had more change in my pockets Hot Lanta was the place to be!!!!
Certainly a LOT more to do and Girls to pick from....Ive been to FSU,UF,Auburn,Clemson...And i think the Campus at these places are nicer than uga....UF and FSU are 2 of the nicest campus in the country...The beach not being that far either....If i was a kid and had to choose between uga and the 2 Florida schools...No way i would choose Athens over those 2.....I was at Auburn this past summer and another Beautiful campus that is only a short drive to the nicest beaches in the U.S......
Sfalco...I dont know how old you are and obviously you like uga and i mlike GT..BUT:

Ive lived in Ga. for a long time and can tell you flat out..UNTIL Vince the prince got Hershell....uga was another ole Miss winning on avg.7 games a year and in a lucky year maybe 8 or 9...

Actually, Ole Miss was quite a power in the 50's and early 60's, so I'll take that as a compliment.

As to your National jacketsrule pointed out it was way back in 1980...Some 24 years ago when NONE of todays High school recruits were alive...


The points Jacketsrule made were valid....GT fans should NOT keep giving ugag more credit and buying into (An obviuos local media bias, all of which went to uga) the LOCAL hype that we always hear...GT is more of a recruiting name outside of the state of Georgia than ugag....For way too long some GT fans have bought into this LOCAL hype....

Another point: 1 sec championship (in an sec MINUS Spurrier) cant compete (AGAIN outside of this state) with an FSU,Miami, or other NATIONAL powers.....

I agree. I don't contend that UGA's program is on the same level with Miami or FSU, yet. did point out that UGA's was just another Ole Miss before Vince Dooley.

How long has FSU been a top 5 program?

Now im trying to be nice about it and IF you are resaonable you would see this...This is WHY a lot of people DESPISE uga fans so much...There are a lot of DELUSIONAL uga fans....That is as nice as i can put it...You do seem to be a nice guy BUT somewhat delusional.....

I agree that many UGA fans are delusional, as are many GT fans and fans of many other schools. We are all blinded by our love for our alma mater.

That's part of what makes being a college FB fan so passionate. However, as you state that "GT fans should NOT keep giving ugag more credit", I wouold state that maybe you should give UGA a little more. Or at least more than the post above by jacketsrule gives UGA.

I'm not delusional to the point where I think UGA's history should be compared to that of the Notre Dames and Alabamas of the college FB world.

But I do think we have a lot to be proud of and a lot to present to any recruit anywhere in the nation.
This is one of the best followups ive read on this board...It sums it up for me...back in the late 70's i had some fun on the weekends in Athens BUT as i grew older and had more change in my pockets Hot Lanta was the place to be!!!!

I agree. I'd rather be in Atlanta as an adult with a career and a family. But we were discussing what appeals to 18-year old FB recruitis.
Sfalco...There are SOME high school recruits that want a small college town when going to school..BUT as Jaclketsrule pointed out..(Outside this state) Clemson, Auburn, Ole Miss. offer the same thing SO it is NOT a factor outside this state.....All those schools have pretty girls also as DO Fsu and UF...So OUTSIDE this state that is NOT a major issue with recruits....Hey uga has thing to offer potential recruits BUT as this post points out NO MORE than any of the other schools..So some of our GT fans need to quit bowing down and worshipping uga....
Uh, to clear something up Sfalco, Kenny O'Neal, who you proclaim is from out of state, is from Savannah, GA. Nice effort though.
Originally posted by BLACK WATCH:
The point IS: Again outside of THIS state uga can not sell Athens as a place to be.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Why would they need to? There is definitely enough talent in Georgia to build a successful football program.

I still don't understand what the point of this argument is.
sfalco did you go to UGA? Because if you did you are an embarassment. Even I knew the kid from California lived in Savannah until recently. Not exactly a good comeback now was it?

There was a big article in the paper today about a bunch of 70 year old scouts (for Jacksonville IIRC). The pros certainly don't rely on watching ABC on Saturday to figure out who to draft. If you think that playing on TV on Saturday makes you better for some reason, you are reinforcing my opinion of your intelligence.

But to boil it all down, you are a pompous blowhard to tell those of us WHO HAVE LIVED AND WORKED OUTSIDE OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA what the perception of UGA is WHEN YOU HAVE NO COMPARABLE EXPERIENCE.
Originally posted by oldfoggy:
All the mongrels on this board should go over to BO, their comments would be welcome there so get lost all you mongrel lovers.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">It has ALWAYS amazed me the GT fans that say they pull for the Dogs or at the very least here..give them MORE than their share of credit or Legitimacy....Would a good Alabama fan EVER pull for Auburn or Shmooze up to them??
sfalco did you go to UGA? Because if you did you are an embarassment. Even I knew the kid from California lived in Savannah until recently. Not exactly a good comeback now was it?

Sorry I was not privy to that information. Is it embarassing or unintelligent to assume that the kid is from California when an article states that a kid is from California?

Nevertheless, the link included provided more than enough backup to my argument.

There was a big article in the paper today about a bunch of 70 year old scouts (for Jacksonville IIRC). The pros certainly don't rely on watching ABC on Saturday to figure out who to draft. If you think that playing on TV on Saturday makes you better for some reason, you are reinforcing my opinion of your intelligence.

I never claimed it makes a player better. I claimed it provides more exposure, in so many words. And if you think playing on TV isn't important to recruits then you need to question your own intelligence.

But to boil it all down, you are a pompous blowhard to tell those of us WHO HAVE LIVED AND WORKED OUTSIDE OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA what the perception of UGA is WHEN YOU HAVE NO COMPARABLE EXPERIENCE.

I lived in Texas for a while, so I do have some perspective. Thanks for the insults, though. You resorting to flaming me tells me I'm making a pretty strong argument and it's getting to you. Take care:-)
Dad-Gum-It BOR, You've said so many "good" things about the mutts and Athens (a drinking town with a football problem) in this thread that you just gotta be one of them flea bitten curs. Be a good dog and go on home to your master so that he can take you to that real fine animal doctor school over there in Athens and get you de-wormed and treated for Kennel cough. After all, if you say any thing that is even remotely nice about them on this board, you prove beyond any doubt that you are one of them. It's just the way it is.

And that applys to you too, sfalco. Didn't you see the "No Dawgs Allowed" sign. But I guess that you saw it, but of course, being from where you are, you couldn't read it because you didn't know how to. Everybody knows that dawgs are dumb and can't read. So be a good mutt now and go home for your flea snd tick treatment. NO DAWGS ALLOWED HERE, not even ones who try and contribute to the conversation. It's just the way it is.
I have said many of nice things about GT to UGA fans. Like...

"props to K. Fox...he's a player"

"the GT BB team this season is legit and I might even pull for them when they are not playing UGA because of CPH (well, maybe not)."

"GT fans are in general very good people."

That doesn't make me a GT fan.
Yes it bothers me. Not because what you say is true, but because you are allowed to come on a GT board with fully digested solids coming out of your mouth. It is like arguing with a two year old spoiled brat. No matter how badly you embarass yourself, you keep coming back with more nonsense. You have no shame.

Yes it should be embarassing to you that posters on this board know more about your recruits WHEN YOU ACT LIKE A KNOW-IT-ALL. The link says nothing and you know it. One guy's opinion that you are the #2 cow college town. Wow. Any chance he is just trying to sell magazines? And your big example of Georgia being a 'National' school is a guy who grew up here showing interest. So far jacketsrule is looking smarter and more correct and you are looking like a fool grasping at straws.

It’s obvious that if one is an exceptionally gifted player he’ll get the chance to play in the NFL no matter where he plays college FB. Nevertheless, the more opportunities one gets to play on national TV for a program that ranks in the top 5 or 10 in the NCAA in regards to the number of players currently on NFL rosters, the better one’s chances of getting recognized by NFL scouts.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">This is full of contradictions and idiocy. How long do you think an inferior player will last in training camp? Will it matter how often they were on TV? Are the pro scouts and coaches that stupid? You are clearly stating that unless a player gets 'discovered' on TV their chances of playing in the NFL are slimmer. Maybe the retards ya'll send to military school buy that, but I give the normal kids more credit.

The majority of the TV coverage your recent crop of pro RBs got was on the 'bench cam'. They made it in the pros in spite of going to UGA.
Originally posted by JacketIM:
[QB]Dad-Gum-It BOR, You've said so many "good" things about the mutts and Athens (a drinking town with a football problem) in this thread that you just gotta be one of them flea bitten curs. Be a good dog and go on home to your master so that he can take you to that real fine animal doctor school over there in Athens and get you de-wormed and treated for Kennel cough. After all, if you say any thing that is even remotely nice about them on this board, you prove beyond any doubt that you are one of them. It's just the way it is.

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Sorry, but I just cannot stand it when some GT fan has to legitimize GT by saying UGA ain't all that. It makes us look pathetic. We need to stand alone on our own merits, which are numerous, instead of busting on another schools. Isn't this why we hate UGA so much because their fans do this to us all the time?

Also, to make an arguement that UGA doesn't have that much tradition and is in the realm of Clemson, Auburn, UNC, and UVA in terms of football tradition is laughable at best and makes us look like we are reaching. So like I said, stop shoveling the bullshiite or I will need to sprout wings to stay above it all.

And if you think I'm a Dawg fan, then you must not follow me much. I'm the guy who made the little kid cry at halloween because he dressed up like a UGA football player. I have no heart when it comes to UGA. I just speak the facts.
And while you're at it sfalco, give us some details on when and where and how long you lived in Texas. That would help me believe you have perspective.

BOR - I believe the response was one where people were claiming we could not compete with UGA for recruits and it pointed out our strengths (even the ones that 99.9% of people agree with are opinions) Ugay homers came over here claiming to be all that by pointing out their strengths and our faults. We pointed out our strengths and their faults.

If you look at it we are rising faster than them and it bothers them. Many of the problems we once had (Techwood projects for one) are long gone.

GT Tradition - UGA Tradition wash at best if not GT

Atlanta nightlife - Athens nightlife Puhleeze

Atlanta women - Athens women Puhleeze

GT Academics - UGA Academics Puhleeze

GT Facilities excluding stadium - UGA Faciities excluding stadium wash at best if not GT


ACC - SEC Rapidly headed toward ACC

GTMedia - UGAMedia UGA

When are we going to ignore the redneck factor of the UGA high school pipeline and the UGA dominated media and focus on our obvious positives? UGA will be able to take 700(-) SATs and keep them from being distracted by that pesky schoolwork so they can focus on eating, lifting weights and practice. We have to use our numerous advantages to overcome that. The facts are there. Once we believe it, our neighbors will believe it too. This is something the dawgs will try to stop.

Besides, at times we are obsessed with our own faults, why can't we point out theirs for once without being labelled as a bunch of sour grapes or whatever.

When UGAy points out our disadvantages is that sour grapes?
Good points Gtcrew....

To say ugag is in league of UV or UNC is a stretch BUT yeah BUT...DONT TELL me uga is better than Auburn or Clemson as far as Tradition and THESE 2 HAVE big Big Stadiums ALSO...(SO stop THIS BIG STADIUM THING...a lot OF SCHOOLS CAN BOAST THAT)....And Pleeze you couple of GT fans that are so in love with ugag and give them ALL this Respect...COME ON.....Jacketsrule and GTcrew have it right...GT should never take a backseat to ugag...They have their positives JUST like WE DO....And NO...Their positives DO NOT Outweigh GT'S By NO MEANS.....Stop acting as if ugag has SO many more advantages in football than GT...NOT the case....Im sure our players and Coaches dont think that way.....
Sfalco...There are SOME high school recruits that want a small college town when going to school..BUT as Jaclketsrule pointed out..(Outside this state) Clemson, Auburn, Ole Miss. offer the same thing SO it is NOT a factor outside this state.....

I disagree.

I have been to the towns in which all three of those schools are located and they do not have ANYTHING like the area of downtown Athens, which has many restaurants, bars and clubs in one downtown area.

You can count them on one hand in Auburn, Ole Miss and Clemson.

Athens has a lot to do downtown and it's right across the street from the main campus.

In Athens one can do the frat / sorority scene if prefered, or one can just hit the establishments downtown.

In Auburn, Ole Miss and Clemson there's not much to do away from campus.
The point IS: Again outside of THIS state uga can not sell Athens as a place to be. I personally have been to all the other places except ole miss and see very similiar towns (In comparing Clemson and Auburn with uga)...No way you slice it or spin it is Athens ANY better than those towns..I personally (And i know a lot of kids would agree) would rather be closer to the beach as you would be in Auburn and closer to one of the outstanding Lakes in the SE. as you would be at Clemson) ...Just stick to your History of a National Championship in 1980 and 1952 and Hershell...You DONT recruit outside the state too much anyway BUT when you do that is what you need to push and probably what your coaches sell...You lost somewhat an (as it pains me to admit) argument you had to recruits when you went up against an ACC school that the sec is better...You cant honestly say that anymore....It is already a factor in GT's recruiting this year...several big recruits have already said they chose GT because of the NEW ACC....