Catchall öööö Geff Thread

If you can’t stomach his usual bullshit, just start around 22:00 or so.
Two things stand out to me.

1) His favorite phrase is "high level". You could make it into a drinking game but I'd prefer not to have to get a liver transplant.
2) He absolutely lives for his moments in front of the mic/camera.

Ok, well there's another.

3) His doucheness manifests at a high level. This guy says less with more words than anyone this side of Mike Baker.
Graphic: Brazilian Professional Footballer (Soccer) accidentally steps ...
If you can’t stomach his usual bullshit, just start around 10:28 or so.
ftfy. since that's his, you know, record. At the last place.

funny how he now praises working for a Hall of Fame coach in Mack Brown and heaps praise on Gene Chizik - who got fired, opening the door for him.

why does he always look like he's trying to turn a knob of some sort when he's talking?

maybe we should lock him in a room with Sewak's son and tell him it's Van Gorder's kid all over again.
ftfy. since that's his, you know, record. At the last place.

funny how he now praises working for a Hall of Fame coach in Mack Brown and heaps praise on Gene Chizik - who got fired, opening the door for him.

why does he always look like he's trying to turn a knob of some sort when he's talking?

maybe we should lock him in a room with Sewak's son and tell him it's Van Gorder's kid all over again.
He’s not turning a knob:
It's a canned and repetitive answer which, like everything we witnessed with him, carries no actual substance. If he actually learned from his contributions to Tech's failures under his leadership, then he'd be spurting out the insights he came to and the tangible things he's done to address them.
öööö that guy. Hilarious he won't mention "Georgia Tech" as it is always, " the last place" Until he finally said it was Tech in this press conference, I had a suspicion that maybe Stansbury was smart about one thing in that ridiculous contract-That geoff Collins couldn't say the name of Georgia Tech. Unfortunately that's apparently not the case. I also totally forgot about his annoying habit of interjecting "yup...yup" when being asked questions.

This man here is doing the Lord's work: starts at around 25:30