Catholics vs. Convicts

A Miami loss to ND helps them. They may not be #4, but we need Miami to stomp ND.

I'm hoping da U will get it done, but ND has been taking care of business this season. The Dwag game is their only hiccup, and they have thoddled Mich St, USC and NCSt.
Wow, reporting that thugs threw a bottle at the ND team bus and broke out a window.
Rankings aside, the real reason I want Miami to win is because Richt staying undefeated with is new team longer than Kirby would add just that extra mile to my mutt schadenfreude.
This man gets it. Take note.
Amazing how many people are there. Has Miami ever sold that stadium out before?
öööö Miami and their fake fanbase. öööö Norte Dame and their smug fanbase. That’s how i feel about tonight’s matchup.
öööö Miami and their fake fanbase. öööö Norte Dame and their smug fanbase. That’s how i feel about tonight’s matchup.
Not taking sides but when I went to ND back in when Dwyer was a freshman, the ND fans were the nicest opposing fans I have ever met.

Having said that, go Canes.